Chapter 21 - outings

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Adella's pov:

Whoever decided it would be a good idea to take a lot of footballers to golf was stupid.

Don't get me wrong most of the girls were good but me and Lea couldn't even put the ball on the peg thing.

'ay dios mío how did you do that?' I watched in awe as Zadi managed to hit it dead high. But I wasn't surprised Sarah was good at everything.

'Just hit it Ella it really isn't the hard' She said rolling her eyes at me. 'Come on try again I'll help'

I took the club from her and picked up a ball. I knelt down to put it on the peg. It balances bit the second it stood up it fell of.

I huffed and knelt down to put it back on but It wouldn't fucking stay on. It wouldn't stay on the bloody peg.

'Vete a la mierda' I said and kicked it away stomping back to the Zadi. (Fuck off)

'It just doesn't like me' I shrugged.

'Awww Ella it's not easy is it' Lea said coming over to us with a fake pout.

'It's really hard!' I wined with the German laughed at me.

To say I was bad a golf was an understatement. I just watched G on awe of her (not just how her biceps looked when she swung the club).

'Enjoying the view' She teased and my eyes finally left her arms and rested on her face.

'What view there's nothing there' I said but my cheeks were pink from being caught.

She just grinned and winked at me turning my cheeks a deep red.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2024 ⏰

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