Chapter 18 - celebrations

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German Catalan

Adella's pov:

Once we all got back to our hoses and hotels we started to get ready. We were going to go out for drinks seeing as we were yet to celebrate G's birthday as a group.

'Lord Adds you're not even dressed yet!' Matty groaned as he walked into my room and saw me lying on my bed, hair wet and still in a tracksuit.

'We don't have to be there for an hour' I said confused.

'No you have to be there in 30 minutes stupid, I'm going out with Antonio and that lot' he said rolling his eyes.

'Oh I haven't seen them in so long! Say hi for me yeah' I said. They were Mattys friends from school and sort of adopted me into their group when we were younger.

'Okay but hurry the fuck up this is why you're always late!'

'Calm down you getting me all stressed'

'Right stay with your friends okay? Don't go wondering off I know what your like' Matty said as I was about to leave.

'I'll be fine Mats I promise and don't be scared to come and say hi' i said and kissed his cheek before he pushed me away grinning.

I pushed my way to the back of the club where we had booked a little private section.

'Hola Guapas!' I announced my arrival loudly and sitting down on the edge of the seat next to Lina kissing each side of her cheeks in greeting.

I made my way around the table saying hi to everyone befor sitting back next to Lina.

'I thought Matt was coming' she said sipping her drink.

'Me to but no he's going out with his other friends' I said shrugging and taking a sip from her drink.

'Oi piss off go and get your own!' she said wrestling the drink out of my hand.

'Alright alright I'm going'

After about an hour I recognised a familiar brunette.

'Is that a Pina Colada I see!' I fake gasped as I walked up to her.

'ELLA!' She cried happily clearly quite tipsy already. She threw her arms around me.

'Hey Pins how are you girl' I asked hugging her back.

'Well me and Patri decided to go out!' She said grinning at me.

'Oooo exiting where is Pepino?' I said looking around for the other person in our little trio.

'Ummmm. Oh there she is!' She said pointing to Patri who was now chatting the Kiera.

'PEPINO!' I slung my arm around her after.

'ELLA my girl!' She said just as tipsy as Pina and sloppily kissed my cheeks. The 3 of us hugged while giggling at nothing in particular.

'I miss you my girlies' i said and stuck my bottom lip out.

'Awww baby Ella' Pina bring her hand up to pinch my cheeks but i slapped her hand away scowling.

'I have an idea' Patri said and I looked at her expectantly. 'Sign with Barça!' She smiled and i rolled my eyes.

'I'm going to Georgie now byeeee' i said showing them my middle finger.

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