Chapter 15 - christmas with the best people

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Adella's pov:

In a few days G, Lina, Sarah and Sarah's national teammate Laura were coming over to Barcelona. I mean they were probably only come to see Kiera but I agreed to meet them for a bit and that they could stay with me if needed. And I was G's birthday just before she came so we were gonna go out for her. In the one that me and Ona shared as soon as we left school and we decided to keep it for whenever we came back home.

It was Christmas and for the first time in a few years I didn't wake up to an empty house. Some people might have said the house was overly decorated but I loved Christmas and didn't hesitate to go all out. I could hear my brother snoring away in his room next to me and I threw on a tracksuit before running into his room.

'WAKE UP ITS CHRISTMAS!' I yelled jumping onto the bed. He shot up and screamed really high pitched making me double over laughing.

'God Addy that is not the way you wake people up' he wined while I continued to giggle.

'Get out so I can get changed you creep'

A while later a few people in our family came round. We had a few cousins and my aunt and uncle. We had a big Christmas dinner made by my Aunt Sofia which was lovly.

At around 10pm we put a film before my younger cousin had to go to bed. I sighed happy to have everyone here.

'I'm proud of you Addy' Mateo whispered softly from next to me. I smiled at him and gently squeezed his hand.

'I'm proud of you too'


The next day was Boxing Day and Alexia had asked us if we wanted to spend it with her family. I hadn't seen them in a while so we agreed and headed over around 1pm.

'Ella!' Alba practically yelled when she opened to door. She was quick to pull me into a hug and sway us side to side. She ushered me in before hugging Mateo as well.

'Hello my babies come give me a hug' Alexia and Albas mum Eli said holding her arms out expectingly and we walked into the kitchen.

'Hey Eli'

'Hello my child how are you' she said planting a kiss on my cheeks and did the same to Matteo.

'Happy to be home' I said smiling.

'I have a surprise for youuuu' Eli said wiggling her eyebrows at me while I was on the middle of braiding Alba's hair. I grinned.

'Andddd' I said excitedly.

'Come and see it's in here' Alexia called from the dining room and I jumped up dropping Albas hair and running into the room.

'PAELLA!' I squealed excitedly hugging Alexia and her mum before eagerly sitting down.

'Ella what about my hair!'

After we all scoffed our faces we retired back to the lounge.

'Whoes up for games!' Alba said and I grinned as me and Alexia made eyes contact.

'I dibs Ella' Ale called and I jumped into the spot next to her.

'Get ready to loseeeee' I sang giggling to myself.

It was me and Ale vs Matty and Alba while Eli was the ref it make sure no one was killed. We could all get a bit competitive especially me and Ale.

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