04. Condition terminal

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It was somewhat early in the morning in Beacon Hill's High parking lot as the members of the McCall pack, featuring Mason, reunited to discuss the latest threat, better known as Tracy Stewart.

"Tracy wasn't just having trouble sleeping. It was a real disorder. It was night terrors," Lydia informed them as she stood next to a worried-looking Liam a few feet away from Stiles's old jeep. After Malia, Kira, and she had found the bodies of Tracy's victims, Scott had asked them all to meet him in the parking lot.

"Well, now she's the night terror. Especially since no one can find her," Stiles retorted, sarcasm dripping from his tongue. Liam couldn't help feeling anxious as they all talked about Vinnie's sister as if she was a monster. The boy had met her countless times, and she had been sweet, making the situation even more difficult to digest. If he thought about it, it would be more probable for Vinnie to be the psycho wolf than her sister, the girl having some unresolved anger issues she had to work through.

"Okay, I know we're all tired and miserable..." Scott trailed off, glancing discretely at Liam, whose chemo signals reeked of worry and anxiety. It wasn't difficult for the older boy to figure out why, his long-lasting crush on Tracy's sister evident to everyone but the girl herself. "Except for you," The alpha finished firmly, staring at a cheery Mason beside him.

"Oh. I'm sorry. This is all just mind-blowing." Mason raved as he stared at the supernatural beings in awe. "You're a Kitsune. I don't even know what that is," the teenager gaped at the Japanese girl on Scott's side, who shifted on her feet, uncomfortable at the attention.

"I'm still learning," Kira answered, an awkward smile on her face.

"Liam, we said you could tell him. Not invite him to the inner circle," Stiles retorted, annoyed at the weirdly excited young man who was quite literally glowing at the new information.

"Uh, I'm in the inner circle?"

"No," Both Liam and Stiles shouted at the same time, and Mason didn't even flinch, his excitement far too great to care.

"Guys, look, back to Tracy. She's just one lone wolf. We can find her," Like the great leader he was, Scott redirected the conversation back to the main issue.

"One lone serial-killing wolf," Malia recalled the night before and the bodies they had found.

"Uh, she only killed one person, you know. The other two were mauled," Lydia ignored Stiles' useless observation and focused on Liam who had been checking his phone every minute in hopes of getting a text from his best friend who had gone AMO since the night before. His heart clenched in pain as he thought of Vinnie learning about her dad's passing and being completely alone. He hated himself for not being with her at that moment, but he knew that by saving Tracy, he would save her more pain in the long run.

"What about her sister? Do you think she might know something?" Lydia turned to the young beta as he looked up from his phone with a frown adorning his features, the boy feeling protective of his friend, not wanting to involve her in any of this.

"Don't even think about it," Liam snapped, clenching his jaw as he glared at the innocent girl, who only raised a brow in response. "She's not part of this, and none of you is gonna talk to her."

"Then you ask her," the werecoyote interrupted him, an impatient look on her face. Liam glared at her, his angry expression conveying how he felt about that too. The teen wolf felt thorned, for one, he wanted to leave her alone and never bother her with the supernatural, but he also wanted to stop Tracy, and no one knew Tracy like Vinnie did.

"Liam," Scott began softly, all too familiar with what his beta was feeling. "I know you want to keep her away from all this, but she already lost her father. Help us save her sister," The young true alpha said. His words seemed to strike a chord inside the blue-eyed boy, as he closed his eyes and hung his head in resignation.

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