05. Chimeras

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Lavinia Abbot didn't notice nor care about the sudden appearance of the werewolf alpha and his clique. Her back was to them as she shielded Tracy's body from everyone, silent tears wetting her sister's face as they landed on her cold skin. Scott's expression softened as he noticed her, but it instantly turned confused as he inspected the damage around and turned to Malia with a questioning look.

"It wasn't me," she retorted, referring to Tracy's death and the surrounding mess. Vinnie could hear them talking about the three men that had attacked them, their stares burning at the back of her head, but she didn't pay them any mind. Before Malia could warm him, Deaton walked up to Vinnie and Tracy to try to get a closer look. The second his foot stepped into the circle of clean floor, Vinnie raised her face, and her eyes, which hadn't stopped glowing, stared back at him. The druid stopped dead in his tracks and clenched his jaw at what he was seeing.

"Step back," Vinnie's bloodied face only made her look more threatening as the discarded objects around them started shaking. Malia let out a 'not again' under her breath as she stepped the furthest away she could without leaving the basement. Deaton took a look around as the objects lifted slightly off the floor, and stepped back.

"Lavinia, isn't it?" The veterinarian asked her after a moment, showing her his hands. "I understand you want to protect Tracy, but you need to let me take a look at her. I can't help her otherwise," Scott watched warily as his boss approached the girl slowly like she was a wounded animal and was careful to not make any sudden movements that could set her off.

There was a pause as she glanced at them through blurry eyes. "You can't help her anymore," The girl finally whispered in a broken voice as the levitating objects dropped to the ground with a thump. Sheriff Stilinski watched with a sorrowful look as the sweet girl he met so many years ago became a shell of herself as she cradled her sister's dead body and silent sobs shook her small frame. He had had no clue she was different, and by the looks on everyone's faces, neither had them. It disturbed him to think how many more could be out there. Stiles opened his mouth to say something probably stupid, but Noah grabbed his shoulder and shook his head. The boy had seen pretty much all ranges of emotion on his father's face before, but he had never seen the look he was sporting at that moment. No one here knew the sisters personally, but grief made the air feel heavy as they thought of an old friend and how painfully similar this moment was.

"You're right, but I can give you answers," The doctor finished as he kneeled in front of Vinnie whose eyes had returned to their normal brown. The man gently took Tracy's hand, maintaining eye contact with the grieving girl. Vinnie watched his movements, her lips trembling as she held Tracy tighter.

"She's not changing back," His eyes inspected Tracy's claws and her reptilian-looking skin that should've gone back to normal once she was dead. "We're going to need to get her out of here," He told the alpha as Scott kneeled beside him, keeping a careful eye on Vinnie. The girl hunched over as she clenched her fist tightly, the physical and emotional pain becoming too much, her figure slightly trembling as she struggled. Luckily her eyes were back to normal, but the werewolf was slightly scared she would suddenly flip and decide she wanted them away from her sister and kill them all.

"What, hey... Absolutely not."

Vinnie tuned them out, not interested in their problems. Tracy's body was heavy in her arms, but she refused to let go. Her otherwise tan skin was suddenly pale, her lips had turned purple and were stained with the silver liquid. The telekinetic girl moved her hair gently out of her cold face and a tiny whimper escaped her lips. With shaking hands, she wiped her running nose. Her sister's black hair sat disheveled on her head, gently, the girl combed her fingers through her locks, knowing how much she hated it being messy.

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