01. Rust bucket

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Heavy rain droplets hit the windshield of their ratty old car, making it difficult for the sisters to make out the street in front of them as they drove down the street, the darkness not helping with clarity. The air conditioner had been ruined for months, but the older Stewart refused to fix it, claiming she would do it soon enough. Of course, she never did. Annoyed, Lavinia Abbot wiped her wet brown hair out of her face as she did her best to clean the fog that had accentuated the windshield with her dirty soccer shirt.

"I don't understand how this rust bucket is still rolling!" Vinnie exclaimed, spitting water that had gotten inside her mouth because of the open windows. "No, scratch that, I don't understand how it hasn't gone up in flames yet!" At her side, Tracy Stewart laughed at her younger sister, her dramatics never ceasing to amuse her.

"You're such a baby," Tracy mused as she squinted her eyes, the rain becoming stronger by the minute.

"All I'm saying is that dad could cough up a new car for you if you just asked him, that way I wouldn't end up looking like a wet rat every time I get out of it," Vinnie whined as another gust of wind hit her in the face. Done cleaning, she dumped the red shirt to the back seats and closed the window, the school not being that far away anymore.

"Why don't you ask him for a car, then?" The older Stewart retorted, an amused expression appearing on her face at her younger sister's annoyed expression.

"You know why," Vinnie argued, sinking into the old car seat, a pout on her face as she remembered the time she chased her old soccer coach with her car after he groped one of her teammates. "Bitch," she said under her breath, causing Stacy to laugh even harder. A small smile made its way to her face at the playful banter with her sister. It was moments like these that having her driver's license revoked made worth it.

"I'm glad you're here, Avi," Tracy admitted after some seconds, her eyes never leaving the street. "I know this is new for you, but I think you'll like being a senior," The youngest girl peeked a look outside, biting her lip at the mention of her new title. Senior.

"I know, it's just – it'll be weird not having Liam in the same class, I guess," The brunette teen admitted nervously as she thought of attending classes without her best friend there to make it bearable.

Lavinia Abbot was a smart girl, a genius, as some people call her. Just like her best friend, Liam Dunbar, the girl was supposed to start her sophomore year the next day. But due to her impeccable record, the school decided it would be best if she skipped that year, and continued with her senior year. Her father had been ecstatic, not once stopping to think that maybe that was not what his daughter wanted. Instead, he signed the due paperwork as soon as he was told the news, leaving the younger girl no choice but to leave her best friend.

"If you're scared he'll stop talking to you, think twice, that boy's smitten with you," Tracy taunted her sister, as she found the only parking spot available, unfortunately away from the school entrance.

"He's not," Vinnie groaned as she rolled her eyes at her sister's teasing. Tracy shut the engine off and opened the door as she exited the car before giving her a last look.

"Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain at the back," Vinnie acknowledged her comment with her middle finger as she followed after the brunette girl, ready to get the senior scribble over with.

They ran under the rain as fast as they could, until they reached a covered area just outside the school's entrance. Suddenly, a cold that had nothing to do with the weather filled her veins. A breeze caressed the side of her face as it tugged at her sweater as if trying to tell her something.

"You okay? You have that look again," Tracy worried as she saw the absent look on her sister's face. She never said anything, but Tracy and their father noticed the change in the small brunette. It wasn't obvious, not at first sight, and even if you did notice you couldn't pinpoint what was wrong.

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