My F***** Up Life & Him

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This is my first story on wattpad so comments are greatly appreciated and any votes. This title is just a tempt suggestions are welcome.


-Chapter 1-

"I can't do this," the women said looking at her one year old daughter in her arms.

“We have to though I don’t want her to lead the way she is, we will be in danger," said her husband.

"But what if it goes away like and she is normal?," she sobbed.  

"We can't risk it we have to think of the pack. She’ll be fine, this place is covered in dark creatures, someone will find her."

“Are you sure?”

“Yes” He was lying, He had no idea if she will be ok. There were creatures in this town that and would kill her when they figured it out what she is.

 Taking a shaky breath, “It's for the best," she kissed her sleeping child's heads.

She handed the box with her daughter in it to her husband and said, "Goodbye my little bunny," with that said he placed her carefully in the alley. As they got back in their car she took one last look at the dumpster were her daughter lay next to as they drove away and whispered, "Good bye my little girl."

The next afternoon two boys walking home passed the alley; one of the boys heard something and peered into the alley. He walked into the alley were he heard the noise,

“¿Manny, qué estás haciendo? Tenemos que ir a casa.” (Manny, what are you doing? We have to go home.)

"Creo que he oído algo, Miguel." (I think I heard something, Miguel) he said as the approached a box. 

"Fue probablemente un gato. Vamos, antes de que llega tarde" (It was prabably a cat. Come on lets go before we are late.)

The boys heard the noise coming from a box, as Manny was about to open it when it tipped over. The brothers jumped back in surprise and were about to run when the little girl crawled out staring up at them. The boys stared at the little girl taking in her milk chocolate skin, midnight curly hair and lastly her bright green eyes. Miguel walked over and picked up the little girl and she started to giggle as she tugged at his hair.

Wincing slightly he looked at his twin brother and asked, “What should we do with her?”

“I don’t know.”

“Look for clues around the box. You know like they do on Scooby-Doo.”

“How are we gonna split up in a box Miguel?”

“No dummy. You go look in the box and see if there is like a note or something that says who she is.”

“Ok.” He said walking over to the box.

“I found something. Its an envelope. Should we read it?”

“No let’s take her home and give it to mommy and dad think.”


Putting her down they each grabbed one of her hands and continued the walk home.


My F***** Up Life & HimWhere stories live. Discover now