Chapter 5

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When Ophelia opens her eyes the first thing she notices is that this is not her room. The next thing she noticed is the head of curly hair next to her.

She fell asleep. God her parents are gonna kill her.

She noticed her phone next to the bed and reaches to grab it, and yup, lots of missed calls and texts. She opens the messages and furrows her eyebrows.

The next time you're staying over at Megan's let us know please.


She switches to Megans texts and her eyes widden. Shit.

Ophelia runs her hand trough her hair as she opens Megan her bedroom door. The blonde instantly looks up.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me any of this earlier!" She exclaims. "Sit, I need to know everything!" She points to the bed.

Ophelia closes the door behind her and sits crosslegged on the bed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I thought it would just be a one time thing." She admits.

"Yeah well superstar didn't think so, now did he?" She grins. "Bro found your instagram! You must be good in bed."

"Megan!" The girl gasps.

"What?" She laughs. "He wanted you to come over, again! He obviously is impressed by your skills."

"Stop it!" Ophelia laughs, falling onto her back.

"Okay, okay. But seriously how did this happen?" The girl lays down next to her best friend.

"The day after the party I ran into him," She starts. "Then Austin showed up and said some shit, He defended me." Ophelia giggles. "Then he said something about me not being a good kisser. And Ricky said that I was a fucking good kisser and just didn't feel like putting in the effort."

"Next time someone calls you a bad kisser you can just say Ricky Bowen thinks otherwise." Megan grins.

"Shut up! I don't want people to know that I have multiple one night stands with him!"

"Multiple one time things aren't a thing, sweetheart." The blonde gives her a look.

"Whatever. Austin didn't believe we kissed, and he kissed me infront of him." She chuckles.

"He did not!" She laughs. "God I wish I could see his stupid face. I'm starting to like this boy. Change the hook ups to a relationship, please."

"He's leaving in in 4 days, Meg." She reminds him.

"Ah shit, that sucks. Just when I started to like him."

"Only because you never liked Austin and he kissed me infront of him." She points out.

"Seems like a valid reason to me." She shrugs her shoulders. "Anyways, continue."

"Okay, so after that we went to his hotel room-"

"And you guys fucked." Megan interrupts them.

"Like I said, we went to his hotel room. He was really sweet, asked if I was okay after everything that austin said. And the next thing I know or clothes went off." She giggles.

"Then yesterday he dmed me, we made out for a while, then he noticed I was thinking about stuff, and I showed him my notebook."

"You showed hin your notebook? Bro You barely let me see it!" She exclaims.

"I showed him one song. It was birthday cake, I hope you don't mind?" She admits.

"Ofcourse not, it is your song, Lia." She answers.

"It is yours. I wrote it about you, for you. It in now way is mine." Ophelia states.

"Whatever, we'll talk about this later. More details, please."

"Okay, and after that we somehow ended up having sex again and after it I fell asleep." She grins. "Then I woke uo, saw your texts but you know that shit already. Then he woke up, he ordered roomservice for us. After that I was about to leave, but he somehow got me back in bed with him, had another round and then I got here."

"Jesus, doesn't that boy get any?" Megan huffs. "Or is he just really horny?"

"Oh he definetly gets." She nods her head. "He probably is the best I ever had."

"Oh you are so far in to admit that." Meg shoves her shoulder.

She laughs as she shakes her head. "N-" She iw cur off by her phone.

"Another dm? He is desperate." Meg snorts after seeing her phone.

The girl unlocks her phone and clicks on the notification.

Tomorrow same time?

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