chapter 19

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-"You didn't have to post that

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"You didn't have to post that."

Ophelia looks towards her bed where a boy is spread out over.

"I know, but I wanted to." She answers, turning back towards her closet to find the shirt she is looking for.

"You got cheated on." He reminds her.

She sighs as she walks towards the bed. "Couldn't get cheated on if we weren't in a real relationship in the first place."

"Still." He grumbles, looking up as her phone makes a sound. "Who's that?"

The girl unlocks her phone. "Management. They're not exactly happy right now."

He drops his head back down. "Understandable. It was so stupid, getting caught kissing while being in a relationship. Who is that fucking stupid?"

"We both know the answer." She giggles. "Besides it was all Nini."

"Shouldn't have kissed back." He mumbles.

She rolls her eyes as she reaches her hand towards his hair, quickly running her fingers trough it. "Can you sit up?"

He slowly turns on his back and then sits up, facing her. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." She places her hands on his cheeks and pulls him into a kiss.

"Are you sure we should be doing this right now?" He whispers as she lets her hands wander under his T-shirt.

Ophelia fully pulls back. "You like red lace on me, right?" She smirks.

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