chapter 7

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Ophelia sits on his bed, back up against the wall where the bed is shoved up against.

Her hair now put in a bun to make sure the drops of her wet hair won't fall on her.

Turned out she didn't need to dress cute because those clothes had went off within 5 minutes.

After their shower, (Which might turned into a bit more then just a shower.) She had got some sweatpants from him which obviously fell a bit big on her.

She kept on her own tanktop, still a bit warm from the hot shower and other activities that took place under the steaming water.

"I'm gonna order room service." Ricky tells her as he walks towards the phone. "You want something?"

"Same thing as last time, please." She agrees, looking up from her phone where she scrolling trough tiktok. "That's the-"

"I remember what that was." He interrupts her, bringing the phone to his ear.

He remembered it? She didn't think he would. "Oh, okay."

The boy starts talking in the phone, telling them what he wants to order, before thanking them and hanging up.

"It should be here in 15 minutes." He tells her, getting back in the bed with her.

"Hmmh." She frowns starting at her phone.

"What's wrong?" Ricky leans forward, starring at the screen.

He rolls his eyes. "Seriously? block the dude."

"That's mean though." She tells him, looking up at the curly headed man.

"All the shit he said to you or did to you is mean." He huffs. "Remember the fact he cheated on you?"

She sighs. "What if he wants to apologize?"

"He started with I'm home alone. We both know he doesn't want to apologize but instead wants you in his bed." He points out.

"Yeah, you're right." She clicks on his contact, finger hovering over the block button.

"Just do it, don't think about it." He tells her at seeing her hesitation.

She nods her head and then clicks on it and comfirms. "Done."

Ricky for some reason feels relief flood trough him, glad she blocked him, which confuses him. Why does he care?

"Good." He says before he can stop himself. The girl raises her eyebrow at him. "I mean good because he is an asshole."

"Hmm, okay." She chuckles. "Wanna pit the movie back on?" She asks, nodding towards the tv where Harry Potter is paused.

He nods, grabbing the remote and starting unpausing it, laying down next to her and lifting his arm so the girl can get back in his arms.

Where he for some reason very much likes her.

She slides back down before resting her head on his shoulder, his arm wrapping around her.

Only moving once so he can get uo to get their food.


It is now the last day that he will be here, tomorrow morning he'll be in a different country seeing he has to leave for the airport in an hour.

The girl pants as she gets of him, falling next to him on the hotel bed and pulling the blankets over her naked body.

Ricky turns on his side, hand reaching to run over her arm which is laying ontop of the covers. "I'm glad I was laughing of you in your drunk state at the club."

She looks up, smiling softly at the boy. "I'm glad too."

"I'm hapoy I met you. And not just for the sex, not that I minded that though." He chuckles. "But just for meeting you."

"I liked hanging out with you aswell. And the sex. Definetly liked that one aswell." She laughs.

He laughs as he shakes his head. "It was a fun week."

"It was." She agrees, nodding her head. "I should go now, shouldn't I?"

He smiles sadly as he nods his head. "Probably, yeah."

She slowly gets out of the bed and puts her clothes back on. "Should I throw it in the laundry?" She asks, holding up a sweater of his which she had wore multiple times when she was here.

He stares at the item of clothing which he really enjoyed watching the girl wear. "Keep it. It looks better on you anyways."

She doesn't decline it, she just smiles at him and folds it over her arm. She liked it better on her aswell.

She looks around the room, incase she spots something of hers aswell. "I got everything, I think."

Ricky stands up aswell, walking towards her. "One last kiss?"

She nods her head and he tills her head up by her chin and leans down to make their lips meet.

After like an minute she pulls away, removing her hands from his shoulders. "Bye, Ricky."

He watches her walks towards the door and opening it. "Bye, Ophelia."

The door closes behind her, and just like that she walks out of his hotelroom and his life.

Or atleast he thought so.

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