chapter 1

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Ophelia and Austin had been dating for almost 2 years. He was her first everything. He was so sweet for her, gave her gifts, showed affection. He was the perfect boyfriend, till he wasn't.

Almost two weeks ago they were supposed to have a date, the girl had been ready almost half an hour before he was supposed to pick her up.

She had put on her favorite dress, curled her hair and keep re doing her make up. She wanted everything to be perfect.

But he never showed. Her texts didn't deliver, and so after twenty minutes of waiting she decided to go to her boyfriend's house to see what's up.

The first red flag should have been the unknown car parked right infront of his house.

She knocked on the door, rang the doorbell with no answer. So she decided to use the key hidden under a plant.

She unlocks the door, and the house is quiet. Like no one is home.

Slowly the girl makes her way up the stairs. When she reaches his door, she hears sounds from behind the wood.

The girl furrows her eyebrows, she then pushes open the door, ans the sight causes her eyes to fill with tears, her mouth open as she stares at the scene infront of her.

There, on the bed is her boyfriend, only in his boxers, above a girl who doesn't seem too be wearing much either.

The raven haired girl brings her hand to her mouth, the other still on the doorknob.

"Ophelia!" The boy exclaims as he notices her, he instantly gets away from the girl. "It's not what it looks like."

She shakes her head as the blonde walks up to her, taking a step back from him. "Not- not what it looks like? So you weren't about to have sex with her?"

He looks to the side, cause that is exactly what was about to happen. "Phee, I love you." He grabs her hands.

She scoffs as she rips her hands from his. "I did too." She shakes her head. "But you apparently didn't love me enough to go fuck with Rapunzel gold locks over there!"

"My name is-"

"I don't give a fuck about your name!" Ophelia cuts of the girl. "I seriously couldn't care less."

She looks back to the boy. "I loved you, I really did. But it is over now. Have fun with barbie I guess." She mutters before turning around and rushing towards her car.

And now the girl is being forced too come to a club. Her best friend, Megan had told her that being depressed in her room wasn't gonna help, she should look for a distraction instead.

And now the girl is standing in que for a club, it is an 18+ club, so she just hopes their fake ID's will work.

When they are at front she hand her ID and mentally crosses her fingers, hoping it'll work. And yup, he hands her the ID back and wishes her a great night.

She sighs as she walks up the stairs, arriving at the wardrobe she hands over her jacket, she gets a plastic thing with a number which she shoves into her purse.

Megan interwined their arms. "We'll have a run night, okay? And we're gonna find you a boy."

The girl sighs, running her fingers trough her curled locks. "I already told you I don't want to hook up with anyone."

Meg smirks as she pulls her towards the stairs. "Not yet, but just wait till we get some alcohol in you. My treat."

"Well I can't say no to alcohol, now can I?" The girls walk down the stairs into the club.

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