⋆。˚ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3❀

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I arrive home, unlocking the door to my empty house. My parents are never home, except on a Friday. I check the calendar on the wall, putting my keys down on the hall table simultaneously. It read 'Friday'. Great. I hated Fridays. I would have to sit next to Osamu at the dining table as Mom and Dad questioned what we did in the week. I always thought if they cared then they wouldn't just leave without saying anything, and for practically the entire week. 

Then, Osamu walked through the door, not daring to look at me. He hung his bag up and went straight to the kitchen- I followed him in not long after. "Mom and Dad are coming home later," I say to him as he gets a slice of yesterday's leftover pizza from the fridge. He doesn't answer. "Did ya hear me?" I walk up to him, standing just about an inch away from him, he turns around and looks at me, this time his eyes are dull, not like how he had looked at Suna earlier today. "No, sorry." He bites into the leftovers in his hand. "My god, how deaf are ya? Next time listen for fucks sake!" I reply angrily. "Sorry, Tsumu.." God I hated that nickname. "It's Friday. Mum and Dad are coming home today." I stare at him with eyes like a cat, waiting for his response. "Oh. Ok." He finally manages to say, finishing the rest of the food in his mouth. I scoff at him, making my way out of the kitchen and to my room, flopping down on my bed, the soft fabric wrapping around my body as I lay in bed, lost in thought. My mind wandered, pondering about the conversation earlier today and replaying the scenario in my head over and over again. The faint glow of the sun peered through the window as it slowly went away for the day, allowing room for the moon to take its place, leaving the room in an almost orange color. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, before pulling out my phone and opening the chat.

Heyyy Omiii!~ What are you up to?

Omi Omi❤️:
Laying in bed.

Oooo, are you comfortable?

Omi Omi❤️:
I guess.

A few, not very long, seconds passed.

Not going to ask me what I'm doing? :((

Omi Omi❤️:
Why should I ask? It's not like I care.

Even though his replies seemed rude, sometimes- no, always, they would make my heart flutter and make my feelings for him grow a little more.

Omii!! you're so mean! :(

Omi Omi❤️:
I'm joking. What are you doing?

Lying in bed, just like you! :)

Omi Omi❤️:

Well, you're probably tired, right? I'll let you get some sleep.

Omi Omi❤️:
It's only 6:45 pm.

Oh yeah! LOL that's my bad

Omi Omi❤️:
All good.

Suddenly, I heard Osamu calling for me to come downstairs.

Well, I've got to go now, my parents are here :)

Omi Omi❤️:
Alright, have a good time.

Talk to you later, bye Omii!

Omi Omi❤️:
Bye, Tsumu.

I said earlier, that I hated that nickname, but that was only because Osamu said it. Whenever Omi said it- butterflies would appear in my stomach.

I head downstairs, heading to the dining room where everyone was seated, except Osamu, who was preparing in the kitchen. I sat down at the dinner table, my parents put down whatever items were in their hands. I could feel my parents staring at me, waiting for me to spike up a conversation, but I didn't know what to say. Osamu had only just started making the food, but it seemed like he had been gone for ages. The silence was suffocating, and the tension in the room was awkward. I kind of wished I could disappear into thin air or at least have something to distract myself with. A few minutes went by before the tension in the room left as my Mom finally decided to say something. "I know you might be angry that we are never here, but it's not our fault." She smiles at me, pity in her eyes. "I know Ma, I'm not mad." I smile back. That's not what I'm mad about. "How is school?" My Dad begins, sharing the same smile as Mom and me. "It's been alright, nothing new," I replied, knowing it's just been getting worse over the past few months. "Ah, that's good to hear. How is that friend of ya's-" Dad paused, his hand rubbing against the back of his head. "-What was his name again?" He had a sorry expression on his face. "His name is Sakusa. He's been good." I smile at him, trying not to create any more negative tension. "Oh yes, that's it!" Dad chuckles to himself before continuing: "Why don't you invite Sakusa round for dinner one time?" He says like he's been waiting forever to bring this up. "Ooo yes, that's a great idea!!" Mom adds on, the both of them staring at me, waiting for my response. "Uh.. well.. I don't think it will be a good idea-" I quickly mutter. "Oh come on! Just one dinner Atsumu!" My parents both say at the same time, you can tell they were made for each other. Some would even call it soulmates. "Fine. I'll ask him tomorrow." I sigh, my parents are cheering. They are just like little kids.

After quite some time, Osamu finally comes out of the kitchen with a good-looking buffet in his hands. Setting it down on the table, everybody immediately takes what they like out of the options. A few minutes pass before I look up and see my dad not touching his food: staring straight at Osamu, I look over to my brother, my eyes grow wide as I notice the big bruise that is practically covering half of his face, and then, mom caught on. It took a few silent seconds for Osamu to realize we were all staring into his soul. "What? Is there something on my face?!"
He gets no reply. "Why are ya all looking at me like that?" He raises an eyebrow, his gaze drifting between the 3 of us. "Osamu." Dreadfully, my Dad speaks up. "How did ya get that bruise?" It's like his heart actually stopped for a minute, he stood completely still. Until. "Oh! I fell down the stairs earlier and landed straight on my face, I didn't think it would be that bad so I just left it!" Osamu smiles at my parents angelically- making them breathe a sigh of relief. "Oh gosh, that scared me for a minute!!" My Mom chuckles, but you could still hear the nervousness, even though she tried to hide it. "Did ya not know Atsumu?" My Dad turns his head towards me. "No," I say stubbornly, turning my head towards Osamu. "Ya should tell me next time Samu." As much as I tried, I could not even get an ounce of concern or pity on my face, I didn't care. Osamu knew it, but my parents did not. "Sorry, Tsumu." He replied so casually but so quickly like he already knew what I was going to say before I even turned to look at him. His eyes were the dullest and darkest they had ever been, to be honest, it kind of pissed me off. But no one had to know that. After a lot more useless talking and catching up, we finished the dinner. My Mom was washing up the dishes- Osamu helping her, my Dad was picking out a movie for him and Mom to watch later, and me, well, I was in my room.

a guide on how to NOT be a good brother- by Atsumu MiyaWhere stories live. Discover now