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Taking my anger out on Osamu became my daily routine. I would come home from school all stressed, wait for him to get home, and then use him as a punching bag until my hands were filled with sweat and blood. He became so scared of me, that he would try to get home before I did so he could lock himself in his room, and sometimes he did manage to get out of my grasp, barely. 

"'Tsumu, please.. I'm sorry!!" He would always beg, his whines of despair sounding like a lost puppy that had been left on the side of a road. None of that stopped me though, or even made me feel the slightest bit guilty.

Now all I feel like is a cold-blooded murderer, his blood will always be on my hands. It won't come off, not even washing them using bleach will remove these permanent dried-up stains that nobody else can see. It's driving me to the end of sanity.

I could hear the sounds of his shouting suddenly getting quieter and quieter until they abruptly stopped. His unconscious body lay against the front door, sleeping like a baby, like I hadn't just beaten him black and blue- and some red. I just left him there- he'll wake up eventually, I took a nice shower, the same as every day, until I heard shouting about 5 minutes later.




It was then that my heart skipped a beat, only one word came into my mind as I stood there letting the water drip down my body.


It was indeed a Friday, a family dinner day, and I knew then who that voice belonged to, the guy who made it his life's mission to turn up to everything 10 minutes early, the guy who would never look at me the same after that day. I quickly turn off the shower, cover myself up with a long shirt that I got from Omi, and run downstairs. "Suna?!" He was holding onto Osamu, and with tears in his eyes, he looked at me. "How could you do this to your brother Atsumu? Why??" And here I thought he couldn't show an ounce of pity. I'll admit I couldn't answer- not because I was ashamed, but because I got caught.

It had been weeks since that happened. Omi didn't show up to dinner anymore, because of what Osamu had said a while back, and Suna only came around to 'protect' Osamu from me, to keep an eye on him. No one else knew, Osamu would beg Suna, until he was crying on his knees, to help him cover every bit of damage up. Suna feeling as guilty as ever, would say yes.

From that one Friday alone, I started to understand what hell was and that I would slowly but surely live eternally in as the weeks progressed.

a guide on how to NOT be a good brother- by Atsumu MiyaWhere stories live. Discover now