⋆。˚ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4❀

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It was now the next week, a Thursday to be exact. I was walking home with Omi after school, debating whether or not I should ask him if he wanted to come over for dinner or tell my parents he couldn't make it. I made up my mind, that dinner was tomorrow, it was now or never.

"Omi?" I start the conversation off in my cheery voice. "Yes?" He doesn't take his eyes off the path in front of him. "Uh.. well... you see...-" I stutter. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. "Spit it out Tsumu." He interrupts while turning his head slightly to look at me. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over tomorrow for dinner!" There was silence for about a minute. "Ya don't have to come if ya don't want to Omi, ya can say no! It's just that my parents wanted to meet ya and-"

"Sure." He stops me from rambling on any longer. "OH MY GOSHHH!! DO YOU MEAN THAT?!?!" I stare at him, my eyes lighting up as my stomach develops butterflies. "Yeah." His replies were basic and dry, but they meant the world to me. "YAYYY!!" I jump up and down in joy until we reach the path where it's time for us to go our separate ways and head home. "See ya tomorrow Omi Omi!" I wave and him with a huge smile of excitement on my face. "See you, Tsumu." He waves back as he walks away. 

As soon as I got home I messaged the family group chat.

Hey guys, Sakusa said he will come over for dinner tomorrow.

Yay, that's great! We can't wait to meet him!!

Who's 'we?'

Osamu don't be rude. Your brother didn't complain when Suna was over.

That's not true, I complained to Osamu after they had all left, but they didn't have to know that.


I don't remember what happened after that message, I just remember waking up the next day thinking something along the lines of: 'I can't wait for Omi to come over!! ' Oh, and also telling Osamu: 'Don't ruin this for me.

Anyway, we went to school as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. I was annoying Omi like I always do, Osamu was getting bullied like he always does, and Suna was helping him like he always does. Everything was normal. We finished school for the day and instead of Omi going a different way to go home, he followed me back to my house, silently listening to me blabber on about how excited I was that he was finally coming over to meet my family. When we got there I realized a familiar-looking car was outside the driveway. Are they already here? As I walked into the house- holding the door open for Omi, then walking inside, my parents started crowding us. "So ya are Sakusa? My god ya are tall!" My mum looked him up and down. "Atsumu is not forcing ya to be his friend is he??" Okay, that kind of hurt when my Dad said that. I step in front of Omi, waving my arms. "Leave him alone for the love of God! He just got in!!" I heard him let out a small thankful sigh. My parents backed off and went to sit down at the dining table, we followed shortly after, only me, catching Osamu scoffing in the corner of my eye as he headed to the kitchen to make the food- that I will never admit that I loved.

It took about 20 minutes for the food to finally be set down at the table and for everyone to start eating it. It wasn't like I disliked that Omi Omi was over, I was just worried about him, knowing that he's such a clean freak and all, but the whole thing went pretty smoothly. The conversations felt kind of awkward, or one-sided, though. They went a little like this: 

"So.. Sakusa, how long have ya been playing volleyball?" 

"Since I was little." 

"What do ya do in your free time?"


"I'm surprised that Atsumu hasn't picked up any cleaning tips from ya yet!" My dad cracked up at his unfunny joke while everyone stared awkwardly until he got the hint to quiet down. 

Osamu stayed silent the whole time unless someone called him out, which was unusual since he normally does most- if not all, of the talking when it's just the 4 of us sitting down or if we are having dinner with Suna. It was quite obvious that he didn't like Omi, so obvious that I'm 99% sure that Omi knew it as soon as he walked through the door because of the way Osamu stared into his soul. Oh, and because of the ever so faint scoffs of disgust ever so often that would cause Omi to look over at him briefly before continuing his small talk. He didn't even help us clean up afterward since the guy he seemed to dislike for some unknown reason, who- may I add, was busy spraying everything with his 99.9% bacteria remover, was still in our shared apartment. I ended up walking Omi Omi home and by the time I got back, Osamu had told me our parents had left because of an emergency at work.

It was around 11:45, the moon shining down past my wide open curtains creating a calming light in my room like it always does, when I received an unexpected message from someone who would never even think about messaging first. 

Omi Omi❤️:
Thank you for inviting me.

My cheeks couldn't help but heat up and reveal a light shade of pink as my mouth curved into a smile that plastered my face.

And thank you for coming Omi!~💖

a guide on how to NOT be a good brother- by Atsumu MiyaWhere stories live. Discover now