Lovely Sorrow

74 8 48

November 15, 2023

11:58 AM

"Are you sure this is a good idea..?" Charlie asked, glancing at Matthew.

"Do we have a choice? Tiffany and Ranboo are gonna cry if Vanilla isn't ok. Plus, we already left work as soon as possible for this." Matthew pointed out as he saw Vanilla laying down in the corner where his food bowl and water bowl was.

"Hey.. who's a good boy..?" Charlie tried to smile, only for a tear to run down his cheek.

Matthew put a hand on Charlie's shoulder, "Char, we have to do this. For them. Cmon.. We gotta go to the vet."

Charlie nodded before wiping his tears away.

The thought of his dog dying that he had for 12 years absolutely broke him.

"Hey, Vanilla!" Matthew spoke loud enough, his voice breaking a little.

Vanilla slowly opened his eyes, looking up at Charlie.

Vanilla let out a soft whine as Matthew pet him.

"Cmon.. Let's go.." Matthew muttered.

Vanilla got up, following Matthew to the back of the car where there was cardboard.

"Do you think he's gonna be ok..?" Charlie asked under his breath.

"I don't know, Charlie. I dont.. All we can do is hope he will.." Matthew told the younger.

Charlie nodded as Matthew drove to the vet.

Seeing the white and green walls with the glass door and black frame almost made them sick to their stomachs as they got out of the car, letting Vanilla out too moments later.

"Hello!" The lady behind the counter greeted the 2.

"Nanes?" She added.

"Charlie and Matthew Ender." Matthew answered.

"Alright! Go right on ahead!"

The 2 walked in the room, seeing the vet.

"Ah! Matthew and Charlie, is this Vanilla?" The vet was a family friend who happened to work at a vet, so they decided to ask for her specifically.

"Yeah.." Matthew muttered.

"So, what's wrong with him?" As soon as the vet said that, Vanilla laid down.

"Uhm.. He hasn't been eating, and whenever we try to, he doesn't wanna eat still.. Do you know what's wrong with him, Sam? (Sam is short for samantha, and she's the vet), " Charlie answered.

Sam's eyes seemed to soften.

"Oh.. That's.. That's usually a symptom of dying.."

Charlie and Matthew proceeded to hold the tears in.

"Do you know what we can do to prevent it..?" Matthew questioned softly, wiping away a tear.

"No.. I'm afraid not.. All I can say is put him down-" Sam was interrupted by Charlie.

"No." Charlie said instantly.

"Charlie, it's all we can do.." Matthew said softly.

"No. Not until Ranboo and Tiffany say goodbye to him."

Matthew sighed, "Thanks, Sam.."

Sam nodded, "Good luck."

The 3 left, if you count Vanilla.

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