|02. pitch perfect|

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narrative, instagram, messages

august 15th, 2022

"Your hair's all messed up." Caitlin scrunched her nose, her hands instinctively going to fix the dirty blonde's disarranged hair.

Angelina swatted the woman's hand away. "Sorry I didn't have time to doll myself for my unexpected house guest."

"You always look gorgeous." Caitlin stated, not giving it much thought as she welcomed herself in and plopped down on the couch of Kaia and Angelina's dorm suite. Meanwhile, Angelina closed the door, trying to ignore the unnamed sinking feeling in her stomach. "We're watching a movie. You have five seconds to get over here before I choose." Caitlin announced, picking up the remote as Angelina rushed to join her side. "5, 4, 3, 2..." The younger Martin sister quite literally threw herself over the couch to assure that she got there in time.

"Yes!" She screamed, loud enough that it should have awoken Kaia, but for some reason didn't. "We are watching Pitch Perfect."

"Seriously?" Caitlin began to whine. "We can't even watch Love And Basketball or something?"

"Nope." Angelina ripped the remote out of Caitlin's hand. "I got here before you got to one."

Caitlin tsked, knowing it was useless to fight with her. "Fine. I'm going to get snacks." The basketball star started to move, but was quickly held down by her friend.

"Stay?" Caitlin couldn't look into her beautiful brown eyes and say no.


Thirty minutes into the excruciatingly long movie, Caitlin's opinion that was, the brunette glanced down, only to find the younger Martin sister sleeping soundly on her chest. Cautiously, Caitlin pulled her phone out of her pocket and snapped a photo of Angelina. She smiled at the photo, making the decision to make it to her lockscreen before setting her phone back down.



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