|08. the irony|

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narrative, messages

september 1st, 2022

Caitlin hated parties. It didn't matter if it was a rager or a sit down dinner party for a booster, she hated them.

The only thing she hated more than parties- the Iowa Hawkeyes Men's Basketball Team. But that doesn't matter...yet.

"You hate parties." Monika stated, staring at Caitlin's reflection in her mirror as she applied a dark shade of lip gloss.

"That I do." Caitlin muttered in response, lounged across the blonde's bed, scrolling through meaningless tik toks.

Monika placed the cover back on the lip gloss. "And you hate the boys' team."

"Also true."

"Then why the hell are we going to their party?"

Caitlin groaned, pulling herself up and patting her clothes down as she looked at her reflection. "I don't know, cause you're a senior and I'm a junior, and we only have so many of these opportunities left before you leave."

Monika responded with a knowing smirk on her face. "You sure it's not because you just want an excuse to see Angie again."

Caitlin brushed her off. "We hang out all the time. I don't need an excuse to see her again."

"Are you sure? Cause, I mean...I'm not blind. I see the looks."

"Okay, one, you need to get off my ass about Angie. Yes, she's a generally attractive person, but I am not attracted to her. Two, she is my friend, so she looks at me. As a friend."

Monika had tuned out Caitlin's denial and instead replaced it with her own version, which sounded something like the following - "Keep bothering me about Angie. She's so fucking gorgeous and I really wish we were together. She's my friend, but I wish we were something more."

"Monika?" The blonde focused again only when her friend started snapping her fingers in her face. "You zoned out."

"Yeah, I tend to do that when people lie to me."

"Okay, can you just drop it?" Caitlin begged.

"Why, cause you know I'm right?"

"No, cause Kate just pulled up and if she hears me talking about Angie again, she'll slaughter me."

"I'll only shut up if you pinky promise to talk about it later." Monika extended her right hand, where her pinky was sticking out, waiting for cooperation.

"What? No."

"Angie and Caitlin sitting in a tree!" Monika began to sing. "K-I-S-" Caitlin finally shut her teammate up, shoving her hand over her mouth.

"Fine, just shut up."


"Okay, how does this one look?" Kaia reemerged from her room for what felt like the thousandth time to Angelina, who was slumped on their couch, barely glancing up from her phone.

"It looks great. Just like the other thirty options."

"But...which one would Kate like better."

"Kate likes rom coms and basketball. She couldn't give two shits about what you're wearing." Angelina reassured her.

Kaia nodded before dipping back into her room again. "I'm gonna try something else."

2 brain cells

(caitlin & angelina)


we're gonna be a little bit late



kaia can't figure out what to where

(for kate of course)



kate's doing the same thing


they're so stupid

"You're one to talk." Angelina jolted slightly, having not realized Kaia's presence.

"Jesus Christ, Kaia."

"You were smiling so hard at your phone texting your girlfriend you didn't hear me coming in."

"She isn't my girlfriend."

"But you want her to be."

Angelina tsked, placing her phone in her pocket. "Are you ready to go? Can we please go?"

"Yes, but I'm not dropping this. Ever."

author speaks

i am SO EXCITED for the
next chapter. this and the 
the next chapter were

originally one part, but

i decided to split them up

for fun :)


the story of us-caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now