gossip rant

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★ fluff!
- dreadlocks era tom

after school, you and tom are on your way to your house like you both always do. tom loves coming to your house more than you coming to his cause theres more space for the both of you to be alone together.

however as you two were walking, tom notices you havent been talking much. you've only responded to his talkings, not really saying anything else.
tom: baby? are you alright?
he said softly, wrapping his arm around you.
y/n: hm? oh yeah
tom: no no, somethings bothering you isnt it?
y/n: well.. yeah actually
you looked down while walking
y/n: we'll talk about it when we got home okay?
tom: oh alright
his arm stays around you the whole time you're walking

once the two of you made it you enter the house and lets him went to your bedroom. he puts his bag down as you put yours. you plopped yourself to your bed, laying on your stomach feeling exhausted.

he carefully went to lay next to you, rubbing your back up and down.
tom: whats the matter love?
his worry concern face made you look at him.
you sighed before moving closer to him.
y/n: you know tara right?
tom: oh isnt that one of your bestfriend? what about her?
y/n: i overheard her in the toilet earlier talking with her friends and..
tom: and?
y/n: she was talking shit about me
you let out a huge breath

y/n: i mean fuck i still cant believe it, we've been friends for so long i thought that i was something to her.
tom: fuck really? what did she say about you?
his eyebrows furrowed
y/n: she called me a whore and made fun of how i dress..
tom: you're kidding right? i mean look at you, you're fucking hot!

you chuckled
y/n: and you wouldnt believeee what she said next, she said she couldnt believe you would ever want to be with someone like me when there she is LIKEEE
y/n: YES

you both laughed. you loved your boyfriend's reaction to this whole rant, he matches your vibe so well.

tom: god not in a million years would i ever want to be with someone like her
y/n: shes literally so up her own ass likeee
tom: what else did she say??
he asked, being super interested
y/n: hmm lets see she called me annoying, boring, dramatic, and that i have a fat ass
tom: well.. shes right about one thing tho
y/n: hm?
tom: you do have a fat ass, and its all mine
he smirked while sneakily placing his hand on your ass. you hit his shoulder before laughing along with him.

y/n: and she also said nonsense shit about me like how i tucked up loads of cottons in my bra to make my boobs bigger LIKE GIRL
tom: no way?? well i can confirm your boobs are big without having cottons tucked in your bra, i mean ive seen them with my own eyes!
you rolled your eyes laughing while he drowns you
in kisses
tom: but honestly what the fuck is her problem
y/n: i guess i shouldve known, she has been acting really odd to me lately. turns out this is why
tom: did you confronted her?
y/n: i.. i couldnt but maybe some other time i fucking will ruin her face
tom: thats the spirit!
he kisses your head over and over again.
tom: i love you so fucking much
y/n: i love you too baby
tom: starting tomorrow just hang around me and the others okay? you know bill, georg and gustav.
y/n: yeah okay, im done with her
tom: yeah not gonna lie shes such a sore loser for that
y/n: and plus she only comes to me when she needed something! ugh how come i dont notice that sooner
tom: thats so pathetic. she couldve atleast avoid you if she dont like you instead of crawling to you like a helpless dog needing you.

you sighed
tom: hey.. dont let what she said gets to you yeah? you still have me and the others
y/n: yeah i know.. thanks tom
tom: i love you just forget about all that bullcrap

he kisses you as you kissed him back before laying back down just enjoying eachother's company.

(note: this chapter kinda sucked but this idea has been stucked with me for a while 😭 hope you enjoyed anyway!!)

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