Chapter 2

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Well back to the present for now so I can give you some background info and so you can read my story as it happens.

I'm a senior in high school and will be 18 soon. I have several jobs that include working at Hot Topic, Spencers, and selling jewelry on Etsy.

It's a lot of work but I need the money if I want to get out of here as soon as I turn 18. I stopped hoping a while ago that somebody was going to save me.

With all the money I've saved so far, I believe I can live quite comfortably for a while seeing as my father also gives me money every week to pay the bills and buy groceries.

He gives me $5,000 every month, but I don't even use $1,000 because I don't eat very much and it's not a very big house and my light is really the only one on.

Also I'm not a big TV watcher, but I keep the cable connected because father always watches it when he actually is home. The water bill is never very high, and that's about it really. Father takes care of all the credit card bills.

Probably so I won't be able to snoop around in what he's buying. Not that I really care. I know he goes to whore houses. He is a guy after all who's not very attractive at that.

My life really isn't all that exciting since I spend all my time working and playing guitar.

I love my baby. He's a beautiful Fender Stratocaster. I bought him two years ago, just a little while after my mother left.

I'd needed a distraction, and one day I was walking home from school and I passed by the music shop downtown and saw my guitar and knew that I had to have him.

My brother had taught me to play on his when we were younger and I'd always loved it, but I didn't have any money and my brother couldn't afford to put his dreams aside to get me one of my own.

Of course my mother didn't approve of my brothers and I's obsession with the instrument, but we were both too in love to really care.

But back to now, I already got my homework done for tomorrow and I was passing the time waiting for my shift to start by trying to memorize Motionless In White's Divine Infection.

I'd already memorized the lyrics, but now I was working on memorizing the lead guitar part and next I'd work on memorizing the drums.

I have this weekend off from all of my jobs because I'd already pre-made a bunch of jewelry, and HT and Spencers just hired some new employees and they wanted to train them on the weekend shift.

So with my weekend free, I could go down to the music shop and hang out in the back and play on the drums. I would have my own kit, but seeing as how big they are, I don't have enough space in my room for one and there's no way I could put it anywhere else in the house, seeing as father would destroy it if he saw it.

He's not too happy about me and my brothers love for music. He wanted both of us to go to Harvard or Yale and become a fancy lawyer just like him. But too bad for him, because neither of us were or are willing to give music up to do something that doesn't make us happy.

I check the time and I see that it's already 4:30 and my shift starts at 5 at Spencers.

I put my guitar back on his stand and grab my wallet, keys, jacket, and newest beanie and headed out to my other baby.

Now let me tell you a little about my bike. She's an incredible Harley Davidson and whenever I ride her, I swear I'm flying.

She's a red and black custom street slider. (Pic on the side)

Anyways, I hop on my girl, put the kickstand up, squeeze the throttle just a smidge to make her roar, then I take off enjoying the feel of my hair billowing out behind me.

This is what I love most about my Harley, the sense of freedom I feel whenever I ride. It's a shame that I have to hide her around my father though. But if he knew I had her, he would flip out.

Just in case you're wondering how a 17 year-old girl has a motorcycle, my boss and close friend Josh from Spencers helped me out.

He went with me and cosigned the papers and he also helps me hide it by storing it at his house when my father comes home.

One time, my father came home and I wasn't expecting it and I had my girl parked in the driveway. When I heard him pull up, I immediately called Josh and he got there as fast as he could and snuck in through my window so my father would think that Josh was just visiting, and that my sweet baby girl was his.

Umm some background on good ole Joshua is that he is 20 years old, he's bisexual, has both ears stretched (you know those big holes in ears), has snakebites (each side of the bottom lip pierced once) , has a septum (nose), and has dark purple hair.

When I got to the local mall where both Hot Topic and Spencers is located, I parked in my special spot reserved for my bike and put my kickstand down.

I got off of my baby and grabbed my bag from inside the seat (pretty fancy eh) and made my way over to the employee entrance, swiped my access key and went on to Spencers where I was working tonight.


Hey so I just realized that Joshua would probably look like Jayy Von Monroe from Blood On The Dance Floor, so yeah. If you don't know who he is, just google a pic and boom.

It's some pretty magical shit. So yep just do whatever.

I hope ya like my story so far and there's much more to come!

~Jessi Lived <666

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