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Jimin: shh....hyung.this is first
time I'm seeing you crying pls
don't cry, taehyung need us, our princess need us. We have to be strong for them.

Yoongi: That's why I want
taehyung to find her and
the reason behind all this
to take revenge for everything.

Leaving the place Taehyung went
to his mansion. Entering the
place he directly went to
his room slammed the door
harshly, he knew everything happened just because of the
girl whom he loved more than anything, anyone but she is the one who completely broke him

Taehyung: How can you do
this to me YN, how what I
didn't did for you, you were
the one who made me feel
to loved but now you are the
same one who break my trust
in love.
(Drops of tears left from his eyes without his notice , how can he not cry when they have planned everything for their future and there moments with each other but soon his eyes darkened remembering how she insulted him)

Taehyung: you said I don't
have enough money to make
you happy huh, you just wanted money from me. Now I'm the
owner of that much money
that you can't imagine, just
wait and watch how I will
make your life miserable.
I will take my revenge
from you Choi yn

Pov:the girl was doing her work in kitchen peacefully but that didn't least long as her step mom started shouting from leaving room

Stepmom: yeah YN where are you come here now. YN....YN......YN
(hearing her yn immediatly left the place and went to her mother)

Yn: yes why did you called me
(there is no sweetness in her
voice as she know how to talk
nicely with whom and whom to not)

Stepmom:(glaring at her) get ready your fiance is coming to pick u up

Yn:why he is coming i don't remember him telling me going on those shit type date or waste of time

Stepmom: don't make me repeat
my word yn just do whatever he wants and ask him what he
wants to do with you that's
none of my concern (angrily saying than her stepmom left the place)

To be continue....

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