𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧

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Man: king the dealer wants to meet with you today. He offer if you could meet in the club

King: Hmm get the car ready,
I'm coming inform him
(Suddenly the king phone started
to ring he gestures his guard to
leave the place and attend the call)

King: Why did you called me now (said angrily)

?? :Chill bro i heard you are dealing with the new group who just
recently started their business
do you think it will be trustable

King: I don't care if they are
thinking about betrayal they know
very well they will not be able
to see the next day in their life

?? :then are you saying you agreed
for the deal when are going for meeting?

King: Now, I wanna see how much
he can do to get the deal, and jimin you don't have to come I will handle by myself if needed i will let you know

Jimin:okay taehyung then let
me know how it went bye
(saying that he cut the call)

Hours later

Taehyung pov:
I am waiting in the club as the dealer hasn't arrived yet but yoongi hyungs those line ain't leaving my mind. How can they say like this about her. Specifically yoongi hyung he knew how much she loved me No I know she still love me. I was on my thoughts when suddenly a striper sat beside me. I didn't bother to know whatever she wants until she

Girl: Hey handsome, wanna have some fun. (Seductively)

Taehyung:(I didn't wanted to talk with her but she started to clinging with me so I just took out my gun and point at her) Of course, Wanna have this (I smirked in satisfaction seeing her scared face) move before your dead body is lying here

Girl:No....no am leaving sir, don't kill me....... (As saying she immediately left to other side)

30 minutes later

Taehyung pov

??: Hello Mr kim
I turned to look at the man who called me

?? : Myself kai. I'm the one who invite you here for the meeting

he said forwarding his hand for handshake

Taehyung: I think you are not sincere with your work that's why you are late (I smirk seeing his dropped face)

Kai: I'm sorry Mr kim, it's just...

I cut him off by saying

Taehyung:Enough with your nonsense excuse now I think we should start the meeting if not then forget about this.

Kai: No no Mr kim, here come this way. I prepared VIP room for you

Agreeing with him he guide me way to the VIP room

When I was entering the room he said

Kai: Sorry Mr kim I hope you don't mind if my fiance stay in this room

I was about to say No but I couldn't form any word looking at the person
Seating there

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞?

I don't know if you guys are liking this story but I can say you will not regret reading this. Comment who can be she??

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