𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞

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The morning sunlight cascaded through the window, gently caressing his face, coaxing him from slumber with its warm embrace.

As Taehyung awoke, a sense of tranquility enveloped him, a rare serenity he hadn't felt in quite some time, realizing that she was now by his side, even if the circumstances had compelled her presence. The gentle reassurance of her company brought a quiet comfort, casting a soothing light on the moments that unfolded after a prolonged period of unrest.

Doing his morning routine he went to
Check on her whether she is awake or not. He wanted to check on her at night but didn't realize when sleep took over him as he was already tired yesterday.

Reaching towards her room he knocked on her door to make her know someone is here. But getting no response she twisted the knob of the door seeing no ones inside he frowned think where might be she. Having no choice he walked downstairs to found her there but his hope crashed when he found her nowhere to be. He panicked thinking she might left him again without even telling him.

Taehyung POV: my heart Clenched thinking she again left me. Does she hate me that much that she even can't tolerate me for a day. Breaking me this miserably she thinks I will let her escape. If then you are wrong Choi yn if you can hate me than I can hate you the most. And I will surely make you regret for all things you have said me

The rage is rising inside him when the maids inform him they didn't saw her and the guards reply is same

Taehyung: why the hell I have kept you if you can't even say you saw a person. Didn't I said she shouldn't get out of this mansion. You guys really don't love your life. Do you

He shouted at the guards and maids making them terribly scared cause they may have not witnessed but we'll aware of the facts that he can kill anyone without second thought if they does any mistake.

Gathering her courage and risking her life Nara the maid who helped yn yesterday with her room said to taehyung in her trembling voices

Nara: I am sorry... Mr Kim... But I was with mam last night... and when she last come to for help I didn't saw her coming out of the room..

She said all this sentence while stuttering. Taehyung raised his brow and dangerously asked her

Taehyung: what do you mean she came to you. Didn't I told you to help her with her things

He said while shouting

Nara: I am sorry Mr Kim. She I mean mam was about to come in downstairs to call me when I happen to saw her and asked and she told me that she needed my help if.... She...
borrow.. M... My.... Dress.... And when... I... Did that's the last time t saw her entering inside the room..

Nara: if you say I will... Just check the room last time... If... She... Is.. There

Taehyung: no need I myself will check. And if I don't find her then the consequences won't be good...

Warning them walked in her detection of room each step his hurt is beating. The thought of what if she really left me. Continuously ringing in his head. Stepping inside her room he checked the washroom which turns out to be no one there. The big room which is attached with her room which seems to be dressing room checking there also he finds no one. The maids were standing at the door not daring to come inside in fear. And the last place in this room is balcony..

He lost his hopes to find her there too. Going towards the balcony direction he was ready to burst out in anger to the workers but soon a breath of relief left his mouth watching her sleeping in the couch in the balcony.

Taking slow step towards her taehyung bend down towards her level. His heart smile he can't describe how he is felling after watching her still here in front of him. All the rage anger felts like flew away. Soon he become worried watching her shivering in cold. Which means she surely slept here. Sighing softly you carefully took her in his embrac in princess style.

Felling movements yn opened her eyes slowly just to make them wide open realising she is in his arms. Looking around she saw he was taking her inside the room. But soon her eyes become more wide as possible watching the maids and guards are looking at them making her to panic

Yn: taehyung what are you doing put me down. I can please put me down.

He didn't listened to her . Like he was deaf. So she again said to him

Yn: Taehyung put me down they are watching us.


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