𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫

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Yn: Taehyung put me down they are watching us.


All the gurds and maids left the place knowing what will be their conscious. Yn looked down saying nothing. Placing her in bed Taehyung looked at her angrily before saying

Taehyung: why were you sleeping there. Don't you have bed in this room huh.

Yn: Am sorry I feel asleep there at night. I didn't mean to do that.

Yn said looking down. As she felt bad for the servants. She came to know from Nara that how taehyung became furious just for a single mistake. And looking at their face she was more than sure, he had scolded them so much. Her heart shutters hearing taehyung next word.

Taehyung: Or did you done that on purpose so that you can get sick and I take care of you huh? So listen don't get your hopes so high. I don't care about you, you have to pay whatever you did to me. Did you GET IT??

He said looking angrily at her. But in response she said nothing other than looking at him. He wanted to he badly wanted to know what is the reason she had to push him away but as stubborn she is so does he. No matter what he will find that by hook or by crook.

Taehyung: Now get up, do me favour my having your breakfast.

Saying so he left her room angrily. Yn just blankly looked at his disappearing figure. When she came downstairs she noticed the maid are preparing the table for breakfast. Looking around she noticed taehyung was nowhere to be seen. So having no option she called Nara

Nara: yes mam. What can I help you?

Yn: Do you know where is taehyung?

Nara: Mr kim just left few minutes ago for his office. It is his usual time but today he got a bit late. Please mam have your breakfast.

Yn: Did you had your food yet?

Nara: No mam. We will later. Please have a sit

She said pulling a chair for yn. Indicating her to sit on chair. Yn hold her hand and looked at the others maid saying

Yn: Only if you all have breakfast with me. Afterall we are same

She said with a sad smile. All thought she hoped that taehyung will never treat her badly but what she did with him he should behave badly with her. That was she thinks as now she is thinking taehyung will take his revenge my making her his maid and give her pain in that way. Only if she knew what he can do for her.

The maid panicked hearing yn words.
They may not know who is yn but surely knew she was so dear to taehyung cause he never bring any girl in home. And the morning incident are evidence how her worth to him. One maid came forward and said hanging her head low

Maid: We are sorry mam. But we are not allowed to do so. Please have your breakfast.

Yn sighed softly. Hearing the maid words. She softly hold the maid hands and said directly looking at her.

Yn: You are being afraid of taehyung right. But see he is not here now, so he won't know about this. Please have a sit. Or I will surely not gonna have the breakfast.

Yn said with a forced smile. She forgot how to smile for herself. The day she left him her one and only lover. Having no choice the maids agreed with her. But yn barely touched the food as she have no appetite to eat. Leaving the dining room she went to the backyard as she knew the guard won't let her go out from there. Reaching the garden she Felt fresh as there was different types of flowers tree. She sat on one of the bench looking at the flowers. Her favorite yellow rose was also there. Making a small smile on her face.

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