𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞

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Yn pov

The way I insulted him, knowing his condition, broke him - his trust, the promises we made together. The assurances I gave him about a happy life are now haunting me. His tear-streaked face and vulnerable state are still vivid in my mind. I can't hurt him again, not this time. Gathering my courage, I told him.

Yn: listen Mr kim. I'm telling you again that we are nothing now. So forget me and everything.

Taehyung:I will not listen whatever you say. If you don't tell me any reason no problem I have my own way but now you have to come back to me. I will make you regret for leaving me and I will surely take my revenge. (He said angrily)

(No I can't go with him if I did there will be no happiness if I go with him. I have to do something. Some excuse . Yeah Kai I can )

Yn:I don't care whatever you do. I already have a fiance . So you should forget about others women. He will never let me go with a man like you

(I know this word will hurt him but I have to hurt him then he will surely hate me more)


Taehyung came dangerously closer to yn. His eyes darken hearing her words. Suddenly pushing her on the nearest couch he hold her neck almost choking her with one hand before saying

Taehyung:You are only mine. Only mine always mine. Don't you dare to say that again. If I hear that again you will see the person death by my hand in front of your eyes.

Yn:Taehyung please you are hurting me. Leave me.

Taehyung: No No babe. Anything but I will not leave you or let you leave me. And about your fiance, I see how much loyal he is that literally left his fiance with a man huh?let me show you how he leave you just for money.

Saying this he left her and went to open the door and called Kai . Soon Kai entered the room with another girl.

Taehyung: Mr Kai I am thinking of accepting the deal. (Kai became so happy hearing taehyung)

Taehyung: but in one condition.

Kai: yes Mr kim, tell me I will do anything you say just please accept my deal.

Taehyung: I think this deal is much important for you more than your fiance.

Kai: Are you perhaps telling me you want yn.

Taehyung: why do you have more fiance? (Rising one eyebrow)

Yn: No Kai please say that you can't do this

Kai:of course how can I . Mr kim deserve much better not like a bitch like you.

Yn pov: it was hard to hold back my tears this long its not new for me being insulted but I can never step back when I know there this not my fault, before I could reply to Kai. Taehyung shouted at Kai.

Taehyung: Shut up. Now you will decide whom I will choose (glaring at Kai) you know what you better forget the deal and also I will make sure that you will got no deal in future.

Kai: No please king. Don't do this with me. You can take her but please don't cancel the deal. (Kai said almost kneeling in front of taehyung begging for his deal)

Taehyung looked at yn with a smirk forming in his lips.

Taehyung: I see, Ms. Yn, how your so-called fiancé is shielding you from me.

Yn simply looked down in shame.

Kai looked up at taehyung, their is no regret in him giving his fiance to another man

Kai: Mr kim about the deal?

Taehyung: My secretary will discuss with you. You can leave now.

He said, still gazing directly at Yn. Kai left the place, bowing to Taehyung.

Yn: Taehyung what are you doing, it's not right. Please try to understand me. FOR THE FUCK SHAKE ARE YOU EVER LISTENING

she raised her voice seeing him giving her no attention and glaring at Kai back who is leaving the place.


Taehyung: Don't raise your voice at me. And about nothing between us? Let's create countless memories to remind you of the past.

Saying this he effortlessly lifted her over his shoulder

Yn: yah.. What the... Put me down kim taehyung.

Taehyung:Not now. At least when I finally able to got you.

To be continue.....

Ahhhh.... I got 100 views in this stories. Am not getting any hope to update regularly as no one is here to see this story for voting or liking but I know how good the story is so I will still try to continue. Thanks for 100 views in this book🥳🥳

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