Ho-OH Monarch battle!

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Konichiwa Folks! Tis I, KAMENCJ, here to bring you another chapter of The Revamped Timeline! Now, to Redflare Ranger, thank you so much for the suggestions of the moves that the current Pokémon (minus Fearow for Serena) can learn! I have copied it and put it in a separate document so I can remember which ones! To Cipherdragonite, if the second chapter is anything to go by, YES they will be getting non canon Pokémon. Now a question for this fanfic. Should I introduce Serena's Pancham later in the Kanto line or wait until Jirachi comes and have his wish granting powers bring Serena's last party member? Please reply in a review of this chapter! Enough of this Author's Note! LET'S GET TO READING! HENSHIN!



Misty's day had started ok. She had just gotten out of Viridian City, having stopped there to resupply and rest up before going to the river that was near Pallet town. She was using this as a break from her Gym duties and to see if she couldn't get some better Pokémon. Her first fishing attempt had got her ...

A very angry Gyrados. She already had a Magikarp waiting for her in Cerulean so thankfully she could just let that one go.

Not without the thing trying to blast her with Hyper Beam that is.

Thankfully, her next attempt netted her a Chinchou and a Cloyster, very good Water types! She had just started biking back, hoping fate would have more good news for her!

Fate's answer ...

Was a lightning bolt out of the blue.

On the ground.

Connecting straight to her bike.

She was able to get off it before the load was released, but it was a rather painful landing. She then shot up, hoping her bike was ok.

Said bike?

Let's just say it wouldn't even make a good exercise bike with how fried and mangled it was.

She broke down crying, wondering why some supreme Pokémon God decided to do this! She spent 3000 Pokédollars (Her own money she might add!) to get this one! It was custom built with her in mind!

She soon began to hear the crunching of gravel nearby. Looking to her right, she saw a young boy and girl who looked to be about 1-3 years younger than her.

Though she could care less when she noticed that the boy had a Pikachu on his shoulder. And it looked guilty.

She growled and stood up.

This boy ruined her bike.

This could not stand.


Well, things were not looking very promising in changing the timeline right now.

From what Ash, Serena and especially Pikachu could see, the bike was now even WORSE off. Unlike when it just became a charred-up wreck in the original, this looked like his old Charizard's flamethrower had been in point blank range of it! He wasn't even sure if they could get it repaired this time!

That thought was quickly stowed away when Misty shot up from her crying position when she saw them, looking very much like an angry Pangoro or Usaring that had its cubs threatened.

Let's just say that right now, for Ash and Pikachu, they feared for their lives right now.

"You did this! You and your stupid Pikachu fried my bike! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT COST ME!?" Misty screamed as she stomped over to them.

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