Get the fuck off me

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           "Min fucking yoongi!!! If you don't get your ass down here right this goddamn minute, imma get a rolling pin and shove it so deep up your ass, shitting will never feel the same again!!!" Seokjin yelled from the stairs.

       "Hyung" Jungkook whined at seokjin who just gave him a soft glare as he walked back into the kitchen.

        "Sorry dear, hyung's sorry for cussing" Jin said as he then finished packing last night's leftovers in the fridge. Jungkook's cute giggles were heard from the living room.

    ...daeumeun goal goal I daeumeun dodaeche mwoji geu daeumeun geurae mwolkka simhi neukkyeojineun... Aish hyung" yoongi ran down but sadly his smooth rapping was interrupted by Jin's hit to the head.

     "Let's go pabo" Jin said and yoongi quickly grabbed his phone and car keys as the three walked out of the house into Jin's car, and out of the driveway.

         "I'm going to the home EC lab so I'll be going first" Jin said and left after giving jk a little peck on the hair and a ruffle to yoongi's hair.

          "Just me and you kid." Yoongi said dramatically but jk just laughed.
         "Nope. I'm off to go see if taehyungie is here yet" jk said turning to leave.

       "Isn't it too early to go suck face kid" yoongi asked looking disgusted.

      "It's never too early hyung" jk said before running off to the direction of the art block.

      "Great. Now those jokes they call students are gonna start behaving all cowardly and shit" yoongi said before frowning and entering the entertainment block.

   "It's min yoongi "

  "Make way "

   "Shit he looked at me "

    "Fuck I think I just peed myself "

    "Damn he's scary "

    "Isn't that yoongi "

    "He dyed his hair again. Punk"

   He stopped in his tracks. And turned his head to face the boy who made the comment on his hair. And a smirk slowly crept onto his face.

    "YAH!! " he yelled and the whole hall was practically looking at them. The boy's eyes wieened in terror as yoongi's smirk widened.

    "Come here" yoongi said pointing at the space in front of him. The boy took shaky slow steps till he reached that point.

   "What's your name" yoongi inquired as he smoothened the boy's clothes.

    "M-M-Minho. Song Minho." The boy said and yoongi smirked wider.

    "Fresher I assume" yoongi said and earned a nod from the boy

   "Well Minho. I suggest that instead of running your mouth without having anything useful to say, you put it to good use."

     "Great Question" and with that yoongi  gripped the back of Minho's neck and then rammed his head onto the door closest to him. Leaving a bloody Minho on the floor.

       "Anyone else wanna comment" yoongi says and the crowd was about to clear till he felt an arm around his shoulder.

     "Hey baby" yoongi turned to see Jimin leeching onto him and although he wouldn't deny he had the urge to pin him to the wall and devour the pinkette, he made an irritated look.

      "Get the fuck off me, park."

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