Part 3 (B)

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Parth has no more explanations to give. Perhaps that is why he simply walked away. She stood there waiting from him to come back and give answers but it appeared futile even to think he had at least some decency to give a proper ending to their four years of kinship.

Perhaps his feelings for her have vanished but at least should not he value her as a human being and the time they spent together and give explanation on everything?

After he let her know that his family is against them marrying, he informed her it would be better if they did not see each other anymore. She assumed he was upset with his family's decision and thought to give him some time before pursuing their matter again.

But as time passed it became more often clear that he was withdrawing from her, the calls and messages decreased, she was less known to the happenings in his life but after the incident she was completely shut off from his life.

During the incident she came to know about the presence of another girl in his life. That could be one of the reasons he withdrew, but as she may try she couldn't bring herself to think she was left behind because he found someone else more appealing or more understanding. Did she lack anything? is there no way she could be a good life partner?

Even if someone else was far better than her shouldn't she know it from him rather than being informed by someone else?


Khushi was waiting for the wedding to end so that she could simply return to her paradise her home away from the heartbreak,

she couldn't fathom how he was so casual about everything and there is no explanation she could come up with whatsoever for his conduct.

Pushing her thoughts aside, she tried to be in the situation and not get into her emotions and cry in the place her friend was getting married. She can see NK bending towards his bride, whispering sweet nothings in her ear's, which made the girl blush. This was her dream with Parth, wanting to be forever bonded.


After the ceremony was sacredly performed the younger generation wanted to have some fun so they moved towards a unoccupied silent corner of the wedding hall with Khushi tagging along, her chances of escaping being nil after NK have given orders to one of his cousin to make sure Khushi leaves the venue only after he confirms.

A group of some 20 odd people from both sides sat in a circle and took it on themselves to make sure they targeted the main couple with endless teasing. At first Khushi felt uneasy as the memories started flooding her but as the time passed by she enjoyed the fun time. It was after a prolonged time she was having some fun.

In all this what missed Khushi's attention is one particular pair of eyes following her every moment and capturing her every smile.

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