Part 2(A)

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"Hi.." he stopped a little further when he saw her going still in NK's arms.

It's been three years to say the least when he last saw her, did she look more gorgeous than before, he couldn't say that maybe because he lost the right to even have her on his thoughts. But he was happy to see her finally.

Without a second look towards the direction where she saw him moving towards the decorated dais, she ran away in the opposite direction pushing back the tears running down her kohled eyes without her permission, cursing her stupid heart to even till date harbor feelings for the man, who broke up with her but still kept the pretense up with the family and then pulling on disappearance stunt on them.

................................"How are you?" NK asked keeping a smile on his face embracing Parth.

"Fine, Congratulations" he extended his hand towards Lavanya, who just came to join her newly wedded husband, with a poker face she joined hands.

"La, don't you think it is between them whatever has happened we have no right to take anyone's side here, he was here because we invited him, you can't be rude to the guest we invited." seeing Parth leave due to La's behavior towards him NK chided her.

"Well, to be more precise it was you who has been keen on having his presence in this ceremony, I was never interested and you can't expect me to be all jovial with him when all he had done is nothing but being selfish for his personal reasons." saying so she placed her hand on his arm posing for the photoshoot temporarily blocking all other external factors in their life and enjoying the new relationship which they shared now.


Khushi was gasping for air by the time she reached her bike to leave the place well before she had a chance to come face to face with Parth, she is in no mood right now to have a chat with him casually as if nothing happened in the past as if their relationship didn't end on a bitter note.

But before she could start the bike with her trembling fingers, the keys were snatched and she cursed her luck for the second time in the day, wishing it to be anyone else other than the person she is avoiding and sighed with relief seeing NK standing beside with a serious look."Where do you think you are planning to escape lady?" he said in a no-nonsense tone, he knew this is how Khushi would react and here she is running away at the first sight of a chance she got to have answers to her pain and unanswered questions she is carrying to bed since god knows how many months, but she wants to hide from reality, the reality which has a high chance of breaking her heart all over again, which she kept holding tight behind the walls she built, so as to not have it trampled like several times in the past by many people.

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