Part 5(B)

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"It would be better to check for a nearest date, but if there is any problem then for sure you can let us know" Latha Raizada was excitedly conversing over the phone with Gupta's, her boy has long before given his approval for going ahead with the proposal and there was no way for anyone to reject Arnav ever and the same has happened with the Gupta's too.

Khushi's parents after knowing about their interest in their daughter were also floored but end of the day everyone decided its the couple who are involved should decide to spend the rest of their lives together and hence they allowed the couple to meet once formally before deciding and the result is before them today, Khushi's parents have called them asking to look for a pandit for fixing dates for various occasions involved during the wedding ceremony.


"Many congratulations, I'm so happy Khu, finally you have taken the best decision for you. I hope today will be the last day for us to ever discuss your past anymore. " NK was relieved to learn that everything best is happening with his friend.

"Thanks NK" Khushi spoke softly.

"Where is the party? Maybe I should be asking Arnav before calling my best friend further because now he has full rights over your time." his joy was reflecting in his voice and words.

"Ok NK enough of your jokes, let's catch up later , I have some work which needs immediate attention. Bye" she cut the call before NK can say further.


She knew her single nod to her parents today after one week of meeting Arnav has started a frenzy in everyone's life at Arnav's and her place. Over week Arnav has messaged her thrice but she never replied positively to it always ignoring and thinking what needs to be done. Finally she decided to speak to her mother.

"Amma, what is it you are busy with? most of the time you are occupied in the kitchen only these days?" she asked sitting on the slab opposite to her mother.

"Acha, out with it already Khushi" Garima said, smiling at her dear daughter.

" There is no way I can hide anything from you, can I? " her daughter replied back with a small smile.

"Yup, nothing misses a mother's eye, now tell me what is it that you want to say to me? " Garima said touching Khushi's cheek.

"What is your opinion about Arnav?" she decided there was no use beating around the bush and jumped directly into the conversation.

"What about him? Hmmmmmm , beta let me tell you one thing we as outsiders can only know so much about the person but once in the relationship everything changes, the expectations, the behaviour, rights, duties, the sense of responsibility and everything else. I can say Arnav is a good boy, his family is good but I can't say how he would be with you, we as your parents can check his past behaviour and suggest you that he is good, so I hope you both together make your life beautiful with better understanding.

I know you are worried about the future and every girl faces this dilemma in her life, but trust in god to show you the correct way and always trust your partner and relationship and work daily towards making it better, you will always find your father and me beside you guiding you in every step of life so there is no need to worry." Garima tried to eliminate Khushi's worries along with encouraging her to step into important phase of her life.

Giving a small smile to her mother, she moved towards her father's room and questioned him the same.

"Do you want me to look out for other proposals? Did he not speak properly with you? Is he not friendly or understanding? You know you can share everything with me, right? I would not force you into this if you are not comfortable with this you know that right?" Shashi would continue further with his worry but Khushi cut him.

"Babuji, there is no problem, I just want to know what are your thoughts about him, that's it, you are simply getting worried." she tried to smile to show everything is ok.

"In that case, you have to know that I could never take the decision to give my life into someone's hand if I'm not sure about that person" placing a hand on Khushi's head he smiled into her eyes.

Hence it was decided by khushi to go ahead with the alliance because going by her experience she understood she is not a good judge of a person's character so it's better for her to trust her parents decision, she can't hurt them anymore.

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