Approve from rimuru

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Let's go back to the meeting room...

The demon lords were busy eating when Rimuru entered the room.

Rimuru: *sigh* Now... let's start from the beginning.

Guy: *eats tiramisu* hm? let me finish this quickly...

Ruminas: *eats cake with tea* how soft~

Dino: *zzz*

Leon: *closes eyes while leaning back in the chair* hmm...

Ramiris: *munching chips while reading manga* hooo!? new enemy!

Milim: shuna! can you add some honey to my tea!

Rimuru: *mumbles* ahhh... this is messed up... I can't

*after a while*

after Guy finished his tiramisu, ruminas was done with her "tea time", dino... he was hit really hard by rimuru, milim... nothing special except being threatened by honey and lastly... ramiris got a spoiler from rimuru.

Yeah... that's it-ohh wait... leon, uhhh nothing special so we're okay.

Guy: so... let me just get to the point. we're bored here. you know... it's been five years since the war... the world has completely changed. there's no war, and there's nothing!

Dino: *Zzzz*

Guy: So... we came to your country... you know, maybe to fight... *chuckle*

hearing that rimuru just gave him a "what the fxck you say" look.

Milim: Guy's right, rimuru! We're bored!!! boo boo!

Leon: *small nod* maybe...

Ruminas: hmph... *mumbles* a little...

Ramiris: *still busy with the manga* wahhh!? he was a god all along!?

silence filled the meeting room after that. rimuru didn't know how to react to this so-called information (?)

As for the others, they looked at Rimuru with a slight twinkle in their eyes, hoping that Rimuru would agree... maybe.

Rimuru: *sigh* You know... if I say no... you'll just find another reason... so, fine. I will fulfill your wish... *sighs in defeat*

Hearing that, the demon lords especially Milim and Ramiris shouted in joy. Meanwhile, Dino was... sleeping. Ruminas just nodded and Guy... he just grinned. As for Leon, he tried to hide his excitement while clenching his fist under the table.

Rimuru: aghhh... end my suffering...


The day after the meeting, the demon lords returned to their domain.

Now, in a room... lies our lord and savior-no... let's not do that.

*ahem* lying on the bed... staring at the ceiling.

Rimuru: Ciel... can you come out for a moment?

A second later, another rimuru appeared. But the difference was the eyes.

Red eyes... ready to attack its prey at any time.

Ciel: how can I help you, master?

Rimuru: Come here... *pulls ciel down* mhmm~ you're so warm...

Ciel: *blushes* y-yes... a-anything for you, master...

the two of them spent the rest of the night, holding each other. falling asleep in each other's scent.

*the next morning*

the sun shone through the window, filling the room with bright light.

after a while, rimuru began to wake up with ciel in his arms.

Ciel: good morning, master

she said while giving a slight smile to Rimuru.

Rimuru: *chuckle* good morning too, ciel...

rimuru then kissed her forehead, making ciel blush... yes. blush. the great Manas was blushing-awww!

Ciel: Stop teasing me or you'll meet your worst nightmare!

author: ehhh... a- alright


After that kiss, ciel went straight back into rimuru's body. while rimuru himself... well, he started his morning peacefully... nothing-BOOM!

ahhh... well-

The door suddenly opened as veldora and milim walked into rimuru's room.

Milim: rimuru wake up! how much longer are you going to keep us waiting!

Veldora: Kuahahahaha! Brother, I'm here to wake you up!

Rimuru: get-

Milim: Wahahahaha let's go rimuru!

Veldora: Brother, don't waste time!


With that... Rimuru's day started with a pleasant atmosphere... yes, trust me, hehe.


Ice continent. the place where now the second strongest demon lords lives together with one of the true dragons.

Guy Crimson and Velzard.

Velzard: So you asked rimuru to find an uninhabited world so that you can fight freely with each other?

Velzard said while leaning on the throne that guy was currently sitting on.

Guy: *chuckles* yes... I'm sure it's an easy task for him since he's the current "God"

Velzard: You shouldn't have bothered him with that stupid execuse of yours. after all he is my cute little brother... don't give him any trouble or you'll catch up with Veldanava in no time *laughs*

Velzard taunts guy with a laugh.

Guy: Well... if that day comes, then that's the end of the red primordial. *sigh*

Velzard: rarely have I seen you so humble... no, humble doesn't suit you.

Guy: *sigh* Rimuru is the one I respect after your big brother, in terms of strength and wisdom... well, arrogance means nothing in front of those abnormal beings

Velzard: awwww... feeling weaker huh? *nudges him*

Guy: I just need to awaken one of my ultimate skill into the "God" series...

Velzard: hooo? don't you already have one?

Guy: I do, but still... I have a feeling that this world is about to undergo a drastic change... a new era, a new order... a new ruler

Hearing Guy's statement made Velzard a little worried. because he knew Guy more than anyone.

It was rare to hear that the world would change from Guy's mouth. let alone that he cared about the cardinal world.

Guy was known for his arrogance. and his concern for something did not belong in his library.

Velzard: You... met "him"?

Velzard's sudden question made the atmosphere in the throne room tense.

Guy: ...yes, he came into my dreams... it felt so real-

Velzard: *shocked* So the world is definitely going to change... if you say so... then the world will change...

Guy: *sighs* worrying about something that hasn't happened yet isn't my style... so, let's just wait until that day comes... the day when ▬▬ ▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬ ▬


well well well~
what day!?

hehe... enjoy🥮

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