Part 10

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(Yes I just skipped two years.)

Walking into the school I had been going to since 6th grade, i automatically walked to my first class, not wanting to bother with lockers until after school. Walking into my first class of the day, I looked for anyone remotely recognizable that I didn't hate. Karolin, nope. Random kid whose name i forgot, nope. Abryl, meh. Chloe, no. Oscar, nope. Wait, Oscar? Dammit. He had changed remarkably since I last saw him. After the summer of 6th grade, we stopped hanging out. He stopped visiting, I stopped calling. In 7th and 8th grade, he ignored me in the halls, not bothering to look at me when I called his name. I say as far as humanely possible away from him
And when I began to get a pencil from my backpack, he finally spoke.
"Hey, Rose. I haven't seen you in a while."
"Ugh. Go away Oscar before I shank you in twelve different places."
"Yeah. Don't try to talk to me after you ignored me for the past two years." Bitch.
"Whatever Rose." Thank god class is about to start. As if on cue, the bell rang, signaling for the students to get to class and to stop twerking and making out behind bleachers.
"Hello class. Today blah blah blah blah blah." The teacher droned on for the next 45 minutes until the next class started and the rest of the day was pretty much the same. Until lunch. Thinking back to that one lunch on that one day when I had first gotten to know Oscar. But never mind that. I never really eat lunch. I just go outside and to where my "group" hangs out. And then we just smoke and talk about why. We normally get a new person every week or so, so we always introduce ourselves and stuff. Kinda like therapy.
"Hi I'm Amy and my parents were bitches to me when I was younger."
"Hi I'm maxwell and I just like smoking."
"Hi I'm Araceli and I'm here with maxwell." And then it was my turn. I'm pretty sure I have the longest explanation ever.
"Hi I'm Rose and I met this guy. And I thought I liked him. And I had these really depressing thoughts when I was younger. But he ditched me and ignored me for the last two years, turning me into the mess that i am today." We all stood there smoking until the bell rang.
"Bye guys. See you tomorrow."


I made my way to my locker and threw all useless books in there. I was never big on decoration, so I just locked my locker and started the walk home.
"Will you at least talk to me."
"Where the fuck do you come from anyways?" I was sick of him coming out of nowhere and trying to talk to me.
"I don't know. You just always seem to be wherever I am."
"What do you want."
"For us to go back to normal." At this i lost it.
"Because I was afraid I would fuck up and shit."
"I just didn't want you to be unhappy or upset."
"WELL IM FUCKING UPSET AND UNHAPPY. YOU'RE THE REASON I SMOKE. YOU'RE THE REASON I HAVE THESE!" Rolling up my sleeve on my left arm, I showed him faded scars. At this point, tears were rolling down my cheeks as I ran all the way home.

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