23: First Day of Interning

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Iida and I are the only ones in the lobby of Manual's agency, aside from a single worker behind the desk and a maid, who is cleaning out a linen closet.

The sun isn't up yet. Last night we both received messages from Manual, telling us to be dressed and in the lobby at 5:30 am. So here we are, half awake and fully dressed in our hero costumes.

"I didn't take Manual as the type to be such an early bird. He must take his training quite seriously," Iida says in his groggy voice.

I've never felt attracted to Iida before, but his morning voice is kind of hot. I'm more into guys who aren't strict and let me get away with my attitude anyway. I yawn and nod in agreement. "I didn't take him for the type to be late, either."

Iida checks his phone. "Oh, wow. It's almost 5:50. I didn't realize."

My phone begins to ring, echoing through the quiet lobby. I curse under my breath and start to hang up... Until I notice the name.

"You and Bakugo are friends now?" Iida looks over my shoulder and reads the name on my screen.

I shrug and answer the phone.

"You're such an idiot, Hashino!" I jump and pull the phone away from my ear. "I thought you were dead!"

"What, no? Why would I be- Oh..." I laugh. "I'm fine. I didn't mean to leave you on read last night. I'm flattered that you were so worried."

"I wasn't worried," Bakugo scoffs. "Anyway, you should be glad you didn't choose Best Jeanist. He fucked up my hair! He only sent me and offer to 'fix my temper', and he was trying to do the same for you! He was disappointed that you didn't choose his Agency."

I'm curious as to how I became such a hot topic at an Agency on the opposite side of the city, but I don't bother asking.

Manual appears in the doorway across from Iida and I before I get the chance to make fun of Bakugo. I say a quick goodbye then hang up and slip my phone back in my pocket.

"Good morning, kids." Manual smiles and rubs the back of his neck. "You're probably wondering why I'm so late. That text I sent you last night said to meet in the lobby, but I meant my training facility. I apologize for the confusion."

"No worries, sir." I smile at the man.

"It's okay," Iida says.

"Thank you. Now if you'll follow me, I'll show you to my training facility."

As we walk through his agency, I begin to realize it's a lot bigger than it looks from the outside. There are four floors above us, but Manuel leads us through a door that takes us underground. Iida takes his helmet off to get a better view.

Beneath the surface is huge single room, with more weights and machines than all the gyms in Japan combined. Manual explains that no one else is down here because we're going to use it to train today. There is a wall full of mirrors on one side, and on the other side the walls are plain concrete.

The side with the concrete walls, the flooring is completely padded. It's meant for fighting.

Manual follows my gaze then smiles. "We'll be using this side. I want to exercise your biggest weaknesses, so I'll be training you in hand-to-hand, mostly. Iida, you have a great handle on your quirk. You do too, Hashino, but I've noticed some things you can do to greatly improve the use of your quirk."

"Thank you, sir." Iida smiles then pulls his helmet back over his head.

"I'm excited to learn whatever you have to teach," I beam. I wonder what in what ways I can improve my quirk.

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