55: Yakiniku, Kimchi, and Soft Serve Ice Cream

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Chapter 55
Katsuki Bakugo

Today makes three days since I fought Itsuki. Three days since I've spoken to Kamari. She's shut me out almost completely. She returned to her work-study at the Nighteye Agency the day after everything happened. Then yesterday, my provisional license class ran much later than usual, leaving us no time to talk.

That leaves today. She was in class for once, but she was only present physically. Anytime I tried to talk to her, she'd just look at me like I was from a different planet. It was the same for thing Pinky, even when stupid Sparky tried to hit on her like he always does.

Now, class is out for the day, but it is still replaying in my head. It's infuriating the way all of those work-study people have rocketed ahead, as much as I hate to admit it. But it was clear in every exercise we did. All five of them finished on top, leaving the rest of us in the dust. Especially me and Icy-Hot.

The two of us have fallen exceptionally behind. While our classmates are spending all their time training to become better, we're stuck trying to catch up on something they achieved a little over two weeks ago.

I push the frustrating thoughts from my mind and knock on Kamari's door, determined to talk to her. I wait a minute or so for an answer, but no one comes. As I go to knock again, I hear Kirishima's voice behind me.

"She's not in there," Kirishima frowns at me from across the hall. "Are you two doin' okay?"

I tear my gaze away from the redhead, but I don't have the energy to lie to him. "I don't know."

Kirishima eyes Pinky's door, then sighs and approaches me. "It's not your fault, man."

"She's mad at me for fighting Itsuki," I scoff. "That sounds like my fault."

"You didn't start it. She knows that, right?"

I nod.

Kirishima's brows furrow. "She's got a lot goin' on right now. I think it would do her good to talk."

"I know that, damn it," I glare at the ground. "I've been trying, but she's avoiding me. I know whatever is bothering her has to do with her work-study, and that she can't say anything about it. I just... I wanna be there for her."

"She'll be okay," Kirishima assures me, but the look on his face is worrisome. "She's strong."

'That's the problem...'

I nod and turn away, giving up on trying to make him understand. Kirishima just doesn't know her like I do. She thinks she has to be strong and put up a front. It's what she's always done. Look where it's gotten her now...

Kirishima lets out a long, heavy sigh. "Y'know, if you can't get her to talk, try to do something to boost her morale."

"You're pretty good at this relationship thing for a single guy," I shoot my friend a smirk. My eyes flicker to Pinky's door, where she's poking her head out not so subtly. "Why don't ya just ask her out?"

Kirishima's eyes widen and he presses his finger to his lips. "Shut up, man." He smiles and whispers, "I've got a plan."

Pinky's face brightens at his words, and she scurries back into her room. I pat Kirishima on the back, holding back my laughter. "I'd hurry up with that. I'm going to go find Kamari. I'm gonna take her out."

"She's probably in Gym Gamma!" Pinky calls out from her room. "Not that I'm eavesdropping or anything!"

"Sure ya weren't!" I shout back, then jog downstairs and all the way to the gym.

When I get there, I see her standing outside talking to an older boy with bright yellow hair. She's got tears in her eyes, and he's resting his hand on her shoulder while talking.

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