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not every character or thing will be relevant all the time or important so don't sweat if you don't know!

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not every character or thing will be relevant all the time or important so don't sweat if you don't know!

⚡️The Flash — Barry Allen, superhero, the fastest man alive also a CSI. In this story, he is the leader of that department. Married to Iris West Allen, and the father of Nora and Bart Allen. Member of the Justice League.

📝Iris West-Allen — Wife of Barry Allen, journalist and CEO of Central City Citizen, Pulitzer winner, mother of Nora and Bart Daughter of former Police Captian Joe West.

🩺Dr. Caitlin Snow — scientist and doctor at Star Labs, critical member of The Flash team as both doctor and superhero known as Killer Frost or Frost, her alter ego. She is the mother of Leah Snow, a meta-teen with the same powers. (In this story, Snow&Frost were never split in 2!)

⚙️Cisco Ramon — Mechanical engineer, genius, Argus consultant, and professor at Central City University. He is another critical member of the team Flash also as the superhero Vibe who can emit vibrational shock waves, and can receive visions of past and future based off of objects and more. He is married to Kamilla Hwang and have a son named Thiago Hwang

🧪Harrison Wells (Reverse-Flash) — Founder of Star Labs, created the Particle Accelerator. He was a mentor to The Flash and his team consisting of Caitlin and Cisco. But he was later found to be impersonating the real Harrison as the Reverse-Flash, The Flash's arc nemesis and murderer of Barry's mother, in the body of a dead Harrison Wells. The Reverse-Flash is the murderer of Barry's mother and from the future known as Eobard Thawne.

🔭Particle Accelerator — created by Harrison Wells and team at Star Labs years ago. It failed in its launch, rupturing, causing a disperse of unknown energies, anti-matter, dark energy, x-elements etc...into people and objects of Central City. It sparked a storm whose lightning struck Barry Allen when he was a young CSI, giving him the powers as The Flash.

🔬Star Labs — Scientific research facility and organization. In this story, in modern day they are the center for almost all things science and technology, extending their practice to not just Team Flash as it once did years ago but to metas everywhere and serving humans in the home, workplace, and school with its technology and scientific development. Two married scientists—The Johnsons—at Star Labs foster multiple meta-human children including their oldest, Kai'dyn Johnson, an empath.

🕊️The White Canary — Sara Lance, sister of Dinah Lance (Black Canary), former member of the League of Assassins, currently Leader of the Legends of Tomorrow.

🚀Legends of Tomorrow — Time traveling team of outsider heroes created by former Time Master Rip Hunter who go through time to fix the timeline (with a couple shenanigans along the way). May or may not be under the Time Bureau's management (depending on whether they feel like obeying) They travel be Waverider.

🛸Waverider - The time traveling spaceship that Masters and Legends may use to travel through time.

🗣️Gideon - an interactive artificial consciousness who is control of the Waverider's critical systems and she helps the Legends on missions. In this story, Gideon is also available on a smaller scale is a simple AI home system.

💥Boom Tube — slang for a portal that is used to travel across space and time to get from point A to point B. Cyborg and Cisco Ramon are one of the few people capable of creating one on their own, but usually a boom tube requires a device of some sort.

Time Bureau — An organization created to protect the timeline. Both the Time Masters and occasionally Legends of Tomorrow answer to the Bureau.

🕰️Time Masters — created by Rip Hunter. He was the former leader of this team also tasked with fixing the timeline. A team consisting of Corky Baxter and his older sister, and other dedicated members to fixing time. They travel by time sphere.

💥Crisis on Infinite Earths — Crisis was a catastrophic multi-earth event in which the Anti-Monitor (a god-like villain) threatened to destroy all of reality. It resulted in combined all Earths into one Earth called a Earth Prime. Oliver Queen aka The Green Arrow sacrificed his life to save the world.

🎙️Linda Park — Married to Wally West (red-haired one) the original Kid Flash. A journalist. Previously dated Barry Allen. Has a podcast.

🍵Lilith Clay (Omen) — a telepathic physic/empath with telekinesis powers. She was a member of the Teen Titans in the comics at some point and often works as a counselor. In this story she is no longer in the Titans and works as the schools mental health counselor and is a counselor on the side. She specializes in powered students.

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