Stare] Jungkook

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This  font means Y/n thoughts

In a zombie apocalypse whole world coming to an end everybody is fighting for their lives against man eating zombies as a girl named Y/n living in a forest away from every choas Y/n was an orphanage so she didn't really lost anyone in this war and about her orphanage no one was really her friend or anyone she didn't really care she just don't know how she run away from there but somehow she did she saw alot almost every zombie eating one another turning them into a zombie right away she can't lie she's terrified of them but magically in the forest no zombie were found...but from the day she has come she feels like someone is been following her something or someone is staring at her from a distance she thought it is a animal before but that ache feeling never got away...that something is out there is after her....

It was a night Y/n was sitting on the rock trying to lit a fire then her eyes dart to the  different direction she gasped seeing something shiny there its.. it's like an eye when she looked closely it was definitely  eyes two golden eyes she gasped in fear as she immediately tried to lit a fire when it finally did she took a little stick with a fire on it then showed it on the other direction..

She looked closely she gasped in fear and was a zombie a weird one golden eyes? She never saw any zombie with a golden eyes and it's actually really horrifying..

She gulped and back away it was doing nothing but just staring at her it was Scary she quickly got in her tent and tries to sleep is it that thing which is following her for so long? And why did it didn't attack her but just staring at her it's more creepy this way a zombie is just standing and not attacking when it sees a human it's rare no it's almost impossible..

She was petrified but somehow she fall a sleep..

She woke up in the morning yawning then streching herself then she come out she started to find something to eat in her bag as she was starving..
She found an two apple then started to eat while sitting on the rock but spit the first bite as soon as she saw that zombie from last night now it came more closer staring at her it was differently some zombie guy and that staring didn't went away he was still staring now she was annoyed more then scared she unknowingly threw a apple at him to shoo him away it directly it his head and he was shocked he touched his fourhead then looked down at the apple then looked at her..

She gulped "he's going to attack me now what should I do stupid bitch why do you have to do that!" That's the only words coming and repeating in her mind...

But she did the most stupid thing ever she took her apple and started to eat motioning for him to eat the apple and to her suprise he took the apple and started to eat it she was shocked he kept staring at her while he at his Apple he finished it in three bites..

And again back to staring at her she thought maybe he was staring behind me not at me so she looked behind but there was nothing except tree and plants she walked to other side to clear her confusion but his eyes  going wherever she goes even she goes behind him standing a little far she knew it's dangerous but she has to check getting behind him his eyes was following her like an owl turning his body like in a slow motion while still staring at her ...

It was freaking her out...

She sighed as she returned to her tent then after some minutes she looked up a scream left her mouth as she found the zombie guy one tree closer from where he was standing before...

How did he got here? I didn't even notice is he that smooth or just fast ..

She's scared.

But didn't took action because he didn't attack her till now if he does she knows how to get rid of him..

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