Chapter One

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"Yes Jade, I'm going. Yeah I'll meet you there, just save me a seat." I told my cousin/best friend, tonight was her school's winter showcase. She was singing so she really wanted me to go and support her. It was her first time singing in front of a crowd so she was nervous. So me as her best friend was going to be there for her.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I wasn't gorgeous but i wasn't ugly either, I was in that in between stage. My eyes were light brown and my hair a dark shade of brown. I can't complain about my hair it was long and soft, i actually inherited my mom's good hair. She came from Mexican and Spanish parents so that explained why i was blessed with great hair.

I went to the living room where my mom and dad were watching tv. "I'm leaving already, I'll be back soon." I said giving them a wave as I got out of the house.

Ellington High School was about 15 minutes away from my house. It was scaring thinking that after winter vacation I'd be going to that school aswell. We had recently moved houses but my parents thought it would be best to finish my semester at my old school. I knew some people from Ellington, just my cousin and her friends.

Ellington was big, their colors being white and black. They were mostly known for their football and soccer team. My cousin said to park in the front but i had no idea which side was the front. So i went with my gut and parked where I thought the front was.

Jade was waiting for me in the front gate. She was beautiful, with straight light brown hair and blue eyes and her lips full. She looked like a model, everyone at this school knew and wanted to date her. "Come on the dinner is about to start." She said, grabbing my hand and leading me to the gym.

"There's a dinner?" I asked.

She laughs, "Yes come on, it smells really good."

She points to a table in the front and center, I saw her parents sitting and her younger brother sitting. "Go sit down, I'll join you guys right now. I forgot to go sign in."

I nodded and went straight to to her table. Maybe it was just me but I felt like people were staring but then again I think everyone feels like that in situations like these. "Hi Uncle Will, hi Aunt Renne," I said when I sat down.

"Hello Kiana, we're so glad you can make it," aunt Renne smiled.

"Jade has been so nervous, we're glad you here to help us with her nerves," my uncle chuckles.

I laugh. "I'm happy to help. She's going to do great."

"She's going to end up puking," Kellan, her brother said making only himself laugh.

"Oh shut up, I'm not you. Let me remind you what happened last year in your fifth grade play." Jade laughs smacking the back of his head.

"Hey we said we were never to speak about it again." He frowns.

"Then shut up." Jade sits next to me. "Kiana im nervous."

I smile. "Don't be I'm here just look at me like when you sing to me." I take off my lucky necklace which is just simple really, its a thin silver chain with a small sapphire stone. "Take it, it'll gave you luck not that you need it."

Her expression softens. "Aww you're the best I don't know what I'd do without you." She says as she puts it down. "I'm feeling better already."

I looked around barely noticed th decorations. Every table had either a black or white table cover. There were silvery flowers as center pieces. The cieling was decorated with strings of snoflakes and snow. The stage had a big white curtain with instruments. Ballons made a big arc around the stage.

My eyes fell on the piano, it was big and black. I use to play but stopped playing last year when something happened. I quickly looked away.

Jade saw my reaction and sighed. "Kiana you have to get over it. You're talented and you're throwing it all way for something that wasn't your fault."

I shake my head. "It just brings back to many memories." You cannot cry right now, I repeated to myself.

"The food is coming," she said, giving me a small smile.


The food looked really good. It was breaded chicken with gravy, salad and a bread and a side of rice. I couldn't complain about it because it was actually pretty good. Then the servers brought strawberry shortcake and I almost died of happiness.

"Okay, we're going to be starting in five minutes." The music teacher said into the microphone.

I looked at Jade her eyes getting wide. "You're going to do great." I assured her. "When are performing?"

"I'm the fourth one."

I laugh. "Just calm down."

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one whose about to embarrass herself."

I roll my eyes. "You're not going to."

After five minutes the music teacher introduced himself as Mr.Brown. He went on and on about how he was happy to have music again at this school. He introduced every singer as they went up and who played what instruments.

So far all of the performances were good. "Oh my gosh, I'm next." Jade said getting up from the table. "Wish me luck."

I looked up at her. "You don't need it."

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