Chapter Three

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I hear the beautiful sound of piano keys playing. I can't help but follow the sound of it. I run towards the music but as I get closer it slowly atarts to fade.

"Kiana!" I hear my name being called.

I didn't know who it was but it sounded so familiar. The voice sounded so angel like and made me want to follow it. "Where are you?" I called back.

Then I see a room, it was a small room. Everything looked dark except for a dim white light that reflected on a white piano.

It was like I was lost with the music. I knew that the voice that had called me was playing the piano. I smile and start to run to the room but when I get there everything starts disappearing and I'm left with screams.

I wake up and realize that the screams were mine. This was a usual dream for me, but I hadn't dreamt it in a while. Always ending the same.

I run my hand through my messy hair and look at my phone. It was 8:07 which meant my parents were at work already, thank god or they would have probably rushed in here and think i need therapy again.

It was winter vacation already, my plans consisted of Netflix and sleeping in.

I opened my curtain, the sky was grey and the weather a bit cold but nothing I couldn't handle. Winter was probably my favorite season, mostly because of the weather but both Christmas and New Year's were in this season.

I go downstairs and notice how empty and quiet my house is. I'm an only child; I always wished to have another sibling but my parents said I was enough trouble. In my defense what child didn't draw on the wall.

My eyes widen when i see there is no coffee left. The jar was empty. I held it in my hand in disbelief, i have an obsession with coffee. I atleast have to drink some every morning so I can function correctly. Yes, coffee is bad for your teeth and for your health, but I couldn't help it. This was a disaster.

I rapidly change into some jeans and a light blue Nike sweater. My keys we're already in my hands and I was ready to go to Starbucks. When it comes to coffee I go to the extremes. If I have to drive ten minutes and wait in line while fighting zombies, I will just for my coffee.

Luckily there wasn't that many people here. There was only a man in front of me but he was already ordering so that was good.

"Hi, what can I get for you?" Asked a guy my age with a smile. He was kind of cute, he had grey eyes and blonde hair and a really big smile.

"Can I have the Caramel Cappuccino extra carmel."

"Sure, will that be it?"


He smiles. "I'm Aiden."

I look at him. "Yeah that's what your nametag says." I point to his shirt.

I hear a chuckle behind me but I don't turn around.

Aiden laughs. "You're funny. Are you always funny."

Just tell me how much i owe already. I shrug. "Not really."

"Um- would you like to-"

Oh come on please don't be asking me out. Why do guys think they can just ask a girl out like that.

"How much is it?" I interrupt him, not letting him finish.

He blushes and smiles. "$3.47, but like I-"

I handed him four dollars. "Keep the change." Anything to just get away from him because I know where this is going.

He hands me the receipt and I stand to the side to wait for my coffee.

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