Chapter Four

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"Come on let's go. You haven't been to a party in the longest time!" Jade said over the phone. "Its Christmas eve, and both of our parents are working tonight. We might aswell have some fun."

I sigh. "I never have fun at parties."

"But you use to before-"

"Don't say it. I know," i cut her off, "fine I'll go just because I know I won't be able to shut you up." One thing Jade was good at was persuading people into doing things.

She squeals. "Yes!!! Watch Kiana we're going to have fun! Ok look for your clothes and get ready. I'll pick you up."

"Ok see you later."

She was right, I hadn't gone to a party in a long time, probably more than a year. Actually I hadn't really done anything fun in a long time. One night of fun might help me.

I looked through my closet at all my clothes. The weather wasn't that cold but it might be a bit chillier at night. I picked out a a blank tank top and put a white knitted sweatshirt that went down on my left shoulder, I matched that with black skinny jeans and brown boots that reached just below my knees. I had to amit it looked good. With my hair i just waved it a bit and put a little bit of make-up.

After I was ready, I just sat on my bed. I hadn't realized but I was actually kind of nervous; I forgot what you did at parties. There was always beer but I never drank. I remembered I would dance and socialize but those were the parties I would attend with my friends from my old school. This party was mostly people from Ellington and I really didn't know any of those people. Why did agree to this?

I got a text from Jade saying she was almost here. I got a light knitted scarf and went to the living room. My parents had set up the Christmas tree last week, it was big and and had only white lights around with alot of ornaments. It looked really pretty.

I heard the engine of my cousins car, i close the door and go to the passenger side. "Wow you look gorgeous," she says when I close the door.

I laugh. "You're the one that looks amazing." She did, she put her hair up in a high ponytail and her makeup was on point to too, she was wearing a burgundy high low dress with a leather jacket.

Jade starts to the car and smiles. "Prince charming doesn't stop bothering me," she hands me her phone where I see messages from Colten.

Come on Jade give me her number

She's not a lesbian right? Oh my gosh, is he still doubting I'm straight.

Remember I gave you Dereks number last year

Aren't we friends

Oh wait you like me that's why you don't want to give me her number, you're jealous

To that she responded: you wish loser

Haha I was just kidding

But fine I'll do this on my own

"Ugh he's so annoying, I saw him Monday at Starbucks." I tell her. "How can you handle him? Does he try to hit on you?" I ask, she had never mentioned him before.

"Well he's not that bad of a guy he's just a player but i've known him for a long time. We're more like brother and sister who try to kill eacother all the time. So no he doesn't hit on me, well he likes to flirt but he's like that." Jade explains, smiling.

"Is he going to be at the party?" I just realized he went to that school so most likely he would be there. Why didn't I think about this before?

Her reaction turns guilty. "Actually it's his party." She says quietly that I barely heard her.

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