Chapter Two

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Jade disappeared behind the stage. I wasn't sure what song she was going to sing, she didn't want to tell me or anyone. The curtains opened and I saw Jade in front of the microphone. If I didn't know her I would of thought she didn't look nevous but since I did, I could tell from her eyes that she was.

"I am happy to introduce Jade Upton, its her first year singing. She is accompanied by Jake Flores on drums, David Allen on guitar and Colten Hemmings on piano."

I couldn't help but notice how many cheers that Colten guy got, mostly from girls. I could see why, he was very attractive. He had dark brown hair, his face was just something out of a commercial, he was tall and had a dazzling smile.

"Here they are performing 'Don't let me go' by The Summer Set." I quickly looked at Jade she was looking at me and gave me a smile and a nod.

I can't believe she was singing this song for me. She knew how much this song meant to me. I hadn't heard it in over a year or so, but it was still my favorite.

The piano started sounding exactly how it did in the song. I missed the sound of the piano and how to play it. The guy played it so confidently, he then looked up and met my gaze giving me a smile. I quickly looked away as Jade was about to start singing.

"Hanging on a tight rope, swinging ten stories high
Doing my best to not look down.
Feeling like a ghost in the middle of a crowded room.
I'm alone, a stranger in my own town.
Oh who will be the one to save me?
Fix me up,
Help me come around,
I'm falling now.
Don't let me go, don't let me go. "

Everyone started to cheer when it got to the chorus. The way she sang, it was magical. I started getting memories from last year. Tears started forming in my eyes; I was so happy the lights were off or people would have realized I was crying.

By the end of the song Jade looked so confident singing. She no longer looked nervous. Everyone cheered and clapped so much when the performance was done. They even got a standing ovation.

Jade came running from stage and hugged me. "Thank you," I whispered to her.

She smiled. "You're welcome; I hope i didn't ruin the song for you."

I laughed, "Of course not, you were perfect."

"I'm so glad I'm done that was hard. All the people were staring."

"Well yeah you were amazing."

She rolls her eyes. "Thank you."

We sat down and listened to the rest of the performers. They wede all good but in my opinion none of them were as good as Jade.

"So for sure you're going to be coming to this school next semester?" Jade asked, when the showcase finished.

I smile. "Yes, my parents already came to do all the paperwork. I just have to finish my finals and I'm done with Silverstone."

"I can't wait, we're going to have so much fun. There are much cuter guys here I think."

"You know I don't care about that."

She rolls her eyes. "Kiana live in the present and have fun."

"I am."

"Ok, well I'll see you later. We parked in the back so we have to go this way. Thank you so much for coming. It means alot to me."

"You know I wouldn't miss it." I tell her.

We hugged and went our separate ways.

I went to my car and as I was unlocking my door, i heard a voice beside me.

"Hey there beautiful," I looked at him and recognized him. It was the piano player, he was leaning on my car.

"Can I help you?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

He smiles. "I saw you in there."

"Ok, so what?"

"I couldn't help but notice how you were looking at me."

Was he serious? Who did he think he was? I in no time even looked at him. I hated guys like this.

I opened my door. "I have no time for this." With that I got in my car and closed the door. He was still leaning on my car. I put my window down. "Can you get off of my car."

"Yeah once you give me your number." He says all cocky, giving me a smile that probably gives girls a heart attack.

"No now get off."

"Come on baby, you know you want to."

"I really don't. Now get off or I'm just going to take off. And i seriously do not care if I run you over."

He crosses his arms. "You wouldn't that knowing you would ruin my face. You wouldn't risk that." He winks.

I was tired of hearing his nonsense. I started my car and and reversed. He stumbled a little bit didn't fall or anything. "Jerk." I mumbled.

I groaned realizing that next semester I would be going to that school with boys like him. But i guess every school was fool of them. Not that most tried to hit on me, but I hated seeing how girls always got their hopes up with guys like that, but in the end they were just broken hearted.

I got home and went straight to my room because my parents were already sleeping. My room for once was not a mess, I actually cleaned my room. My eyes went straight to my memory box in the cornor of my desk that had picture frames all over. Just looking at it made me want to cry.

I heard my phone beep. I took it out and had a text from Jade.

Colton won't stop texting me. He wants your number.

I sighed. Whatever you do, don't give it to him.

I know I wouldn't set you up with someone like him.

Then? I don't care what you do just get rid of him.

Rude much. I'll see what I can do.

Ok. Or just block him or ignore him.

You do NOT know him. He's so pushy.

He's a jerk.

Lol. I know I've known since freshman year.


So you already talked to him or how do you know him.

I roll my eyes. I had the "pleasure" of meeting him in the parking lot.

No way, was he hitting on you?

What do you think? How can you put up someone like him.

Hey, he's a good piano player I need him since someone won't play.

You know why I don't play.

Kiana you need to move on with your life. Forget the past.

It's not easy. I'm going to sleep ok. You did great today. Thank you for the song.

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