Unexpected Truths

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   It took them three weeks to get to the border lands of Auglatha. Snowfox knew this place all too well, for it was here that her first execution was going to happen.

        “Alright everyone, we will make camp underneath the trees” Snowfox said.

        It was spring-time in Auglatha, when she had just finished her first assassination. She was only eighteen in human standards, which was about one hundred and eighteen in elf years. She had been ordered to kill a noble-man named Durlan Drannor. He owed her father several thousand coal. Her father was a noble as well, but in terms of the Noble’s Hierarchy, the Delimbiyra clan were like commoners.  Noble scum, and they were tired of being that way. Snowfox’s father, Foxfire, was a hunter for a living. That’s what their clan specialized in. Foxfire knew his daughter had a knack for killing, so he put it to good use. “My precious daughter, would you be willing to go on a hunt for me?” Foxfire said.

        “Of course father. What is it you need done. What shall be killed?” she replied

        “You see Snow, there is this mean man who owes me money, and I can’t just let that go. Would you be so kind as to kill him for me. If you do, we will have enough to buy you that sword you always wanted.” he said persuasively.

        “But, father, murder is a crime, and you will get into trouble.”

        “No. You will do as I say! I am your father and you will obey me!” he yelled.

        “As you wish sire.” Snow said as she bowed and left with bow in hand. I’m going to kill that bastard one day! I will and no one will be able to stop me! She told herself.

“Hey Miss, are you alright. You stared off into the distance for a long time. Father was wondering if you were ok. My name is Elfii, what’s yours?” She asked.

“Oh everything is alright. I didn’t mean to startle Noll. My name is Snowfox Delimbiyra daughter of Foxfire patriarch of the Delimbiyra Clan. A pleasure to meet you. Noll has told me much about you.”

“As it is to meet you. You said you’re of the Delimbiyra clan. I thought someone wiped them out fifteen cycles ago. How did you survive?” Elfii asked, “I don’t mean to pry. I’m just curious.”

“All is well child. I will tell you one thing and one thing only” Snowfox leaned in to Elfii and whispered, “It was I who killed my family. My reasons are few, but I have them.”

Elfii stared at Snowfox in shock, “Wh-why did you kill them? Does father know that you are a murderer? If you don’t want anyone to know I won’t tell.” she said as she plopped down on the ground, “ I promise you.”

“There is no need to keep promises. Elfii, I can not express how great it feels to tell someone, a female to be more precise, that I am a killer. I live with guilt everyday day of my life. My father, was a cruel man.” Snowfox explained, “He killed my mother when I was born, and he did because I was born a female. He wanted an heir, he wanted a son.”

“Who else knows of your past?”

“Shadowmoon and I shared memories, but there is one other person alive who knows my past as well as I.”

“Who is it?”

“My brother. My brother was going to be the next head of the family. He ran away when his mother was killed by another family member. He is traveling with us. My brother is Onvyr.”

They just sat in silence, until Tala came in from her patrols. Snowfox left the tent to take over patrolling for the night. “How can she work off of so little sleep?” Elfii asked Tala.

“She’s a wonder to you and me both, kid.”

Elfii slipped into deep sleep the moment her head touched the pillow, and Tala slept as well. They slept until the sun broke through the trees. 

That day everyone met up to plan on how they would sneak across the border. Elfii was really quiet during the discussion, and her brother knew something was wrong.

“Please excuse me. I must relieve myself.” Alverdus said.

Elfii come with me. We need to talk.  He said to his sister.

She agreed and left with him. “What’s wrong brother? Why did you call me away from the meeting?” Elfii asked.

“I can tell when something is wrong with you, so fess up sister.”

“There is nothing wrong with me Alverdus. I’m going now if that is all you wanted to ask.”

“Hwatum il skilfz gerdumn! Listen to me Elfii! I know you and I know something is wrong. Don’t turn your back on me!”

She just kept walking and rejoined the meeting. Alverdus came back as well, but less happy about the meeting.

Elfii what’s wrong. It’s me Shadowmoon. Shadowmoon said.

Oh everything is ok. I mean Snowfox told me about her past last night, and I’m still a little shaken up. How did you know I was upset. Do I look upset?

Yes, just a little. You normally are happy and talkative. I also am an animal, so I can sense these as things. As does your brother, he knows you. Go talk to him.

I can’t tell him. He doesn’t trust Snowfox, and he definitely never will if I told him. I just can’t.

I will tell him then.

No. I will.

Elfii marched over to where her brother was standing, and told him everything Snowfox told her. When Elfii was finished telling Alverdus, he walked over to Snowfox and punched her in the face. “That’s for endangering my family! What the hell were you thinking, you piece of trash?!” he yelled

Everyone came running over to see what was going on, and they tried to pull Alverdus off of Snowfox. “It is alright my friends, for this is my fault. Let him beat me. When he is done, I will tell you all why he did this.” She said

It was a good thirty minutes before Alverdus stopped punching Snowfox, but even then he was still mad at her. Alverdus walked out with bloody knuckles, and Snowfox came out with a broken rib and a black eye.

“Alright everyone you probably want to know why I just let someone beat me up. He is a strong boy, but I can’t deny that it was painful. You should know my past. There are only three beings in this group who know my whole past. Onvyr, Shadowmoon, and Elfii. I have entrusted them with my pain and guilt, but I should trust you all with my past as well.” Snowfox said with a weak voice.  She told the group about her past, with help from the people who already knew about it because of her ribs.

When she was done speaking, everyone just stood there silently. Onvyr walked Snowfox over to his tent so he could heal her. Did you intend for everyone to know our secret? Onvyr said.

Possibly. I mean they had to find out at some point, and they need to know. This wasn’t something that I needed to keep a secret. It was eating me alive. Turning my heart into stone. Brother do you now understand?

Yes. I know Tala isn’t taking this very well, neither is Noll, or Alverdus, but I’m glad you found friendship in Elfii.

Yes, there is something about her that makes me feel at ease.

You should get some rest. I’ll take your patrol duty tonight. Onvyr said as he left Snowfox so she could sleep, and she realized that she hadn’t slept in a long time. 

The next day, Snowfox woke to Shadowmoon, nuzzled beside her. “Good morning.” She said quietly. She walked out from the tent and saw a trail of flowers, so naturally she followed them. The trail went a long way. Leading her deeper and deeper into the forest, but it’s was what was at the end of this trail that shocked her the most.

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