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Avu-: oooohh... Now I understood that why you didn't even called me or searched for me once on not finding me in room...

Sid-: congratulations... He says sarcastically while Avu thanks him at which he glares her playfully. Now tell me why you were not picking up my calls and not seeing my messages...??

Avu-: whole day I was waiting for your call and message but you didn't... I waited whole day for your one message....

Sid-: Mrs Singhania... Are you out of your mind or had you sold your brain or had you left your brain with your those idiot dumb friends and sisters of yours...??

Avu-: they are not dumb and idiot... Infact you're lying, you didn't call me and you're blaming me only... Choti si, masoom si, pyaari si bachhi ka fayda utha rhe ho... Hadd hai bro... Y

Sid(cutting her in between)-: I'm your husband stupid not bro and all...

Avu-: haa wahi wahi... Slip of my tongue... But don't make me buddhu... You didn't call me or even left a single mssg... She says to him sadly with a pout while Sid looks at her sharply and then moves closer to her making her step back. She was taking back steps while he was walking towards her when her leg hits slightly with the table and she stops at her place while looking at him while Sid moves more closer towards her and bending a lil he picks up his mobile from the table and takes a step back while Avu breaths in relief and again looks at him.

Sid opens his mobile and saw her his call logs and chatbox. Avu takes the mobile from his hand and see thousands of calls and messages from him. She frowns seeing so many calls and messages on her no but she didn't receive even one of it.

Avu-: how it could be possible...?? If you called and messaged me so many times so why I didn't receive even one call or mssg of yours...??

Sid-: I don't know... Give your mobile... He says to her while Avu gives her mobile to him while Avu's eyes widens when he opens her mobile's lock so easily by password.

Avu-: how you know my password...?? I had never told you about my password and all... She asks him with a frown who was busy in her mobile.

Sid-: because you're still a kid and you have mini brain only so it's not hard for me to guess your password... You're so much in love with me that you had put my name and birthdate only everywhere in your passwords whether it's your mobile or laptop or smart locker...

Avu-: shut up... I'm not a kid and I have more brain then you... And I don't care if you guessed my password even you have asked me I would have told you because there's nothing that I want to keep hidden from you...

Sid-: I know and whatever is in your heart is on your tongue, you speak without care and without thinking anything but that's what I like the most in you... You never hesitate to express your feelings infront of everyone...

Avu-: I'm glad my hubby atleast like something in me...

Sid-: I like everything about you except your stupidity... You blocked me...??

Avu-: no never... I can't...

Sid-: means someone else blocked me from your mobile... That's why only the calls and messages were not reaching to you... He says while unblocking his no.

Avu(confusingly)-: but who...?? I mean who can block you...??

Sid-: your sister's... He says while returning her mobile back.

Avu-: no they can't and you only said na that if I want I can talk with them because we both will never let them destroy or affect our relationship...

Sid-: yeah because I don't want to force you by ordering on you... You were sad that's why I said but that doesn't mean you'll get so close to them... Stay lil away from them or else they'll surely do something to get you divorced and away from me and Rooh...

Avu-: no she'll not... She loves me...

Sid-: they are just using you and taking advantage of your innocence... Don't fall in there trap and if they hadn't blocked my no then it must be that your so called best friend Karan...

Avu-: why he'll do that...?? I already broke friendship with him...

Sid-: exactly you broke friendship with him and he loves you and wants you... He can do anything... I can understand his intentions by his word's, acts and expressions...

Avu-: but I didn't feel something like that... Karan is my bestfriend from childhood, he never misbehaved with me or shouted at me... He always treated me very nicely and lovely... Infact his parents too treats me like I'm their own daughter and you know sometimes whenever I visit their home or they come at my place they always ignores him like he's not their son... It's so fun to see his face at that time, even in cllg we stayed whole day alone in my home as there was no one and because we had to complete our assignment too... Even we slept on same bed but he never touched me in wrong way or make me feel uncomfortable with him... He always take care of my comfort first... She says to him while remembering the old days.

Sid(in mind)-: I can't trust on him... She's so innocent that she'll not believe that her bestfriend can do something wrong with her... Sharing a bed, I don't believe it if he was so concerned about her comfort then he could sleep in another room... She's comfortable with him but she's not, I had clearly seen in her eyes yesterday when he was trying to touch her bare waise and shoulders... His intentions are not right but she'll not understand it... Maybe he didn't did anything at that time because... Now I only had to do something... He was thinking all this when Avu clicks her fingers infront of him.

Avu-: where are you lost...??

Sid-: nowhere... You broke friendship with him then also you're talking about him only... Anyways you go and change till the time I'll order breakfast...

Avu-: no... We'll go outside and have breakfast in some cafe or restaurant...

Sid-: Oky...


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