Chapter 1

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Today is the oddest day of Winter Kim's life.

Well, everything seemed normal at first.

She woke up like she always did. Got to school like she always did. Rolled her eyes when the bell rang obnoxiously like she always did.

What she never did was exchange calm words with Yu Karina, captain of the debate team and surprisingly popular amongst her peers despite it. You see, people at this school valued intelligence. But Winter, She wouldn't value Karina even if her life depended on it.

The odd thing about it all was the sharp turn their usual banter took. It gave Winter whiplash, really.

It started like this.

Winter got to her locker about ten minutes before the bell rang, rummaging through her bag to dispose of what she didn't need until later. Karina, who stood at her own locker one over, slammed her locker shut and took in Winter's appearance. She wore her usual black jeans and t-shirt ensemble, which naturally made her roll her eyes because is this woman any creative when it comes to fashion?

As usual, Karina picked a fight. A heated discussion, she likes to call it.

"Do you always have to dress so bland?" she said it loud enough so Winter knows it's directed towards her.

Said woman turns her head to look at Karina and rolls her eyes.

"Do you always have to be such a bitch?" Winter responds effortlessly, used to Karina's constant jans and taunts.

Karina smirks, "You gotta be a bitch to win."

Winter sighs deeply through her nose, turning to her locker to continue what she was doing. "Lord knows you hate to lose."

Karina steps closer to Winter, leaning against the locker between them, and she taps her index finger against her chin. Winter closes her locker and turns to her. "Problem?"

"Absolutely," Karina begins. "Why were you so pale when you were from Japan? Is it because you stayed at home all day wishing for a better life here in Korea?"

Winter rolls her eyes and begins walking to class. The raven-haired woman is definitely off her game today considering that was one of the dumbest things Winter's ever heard.

"Not sure about that but I sit at home HERE in Korea all day wishing I didn't have to see you every morning." Winter replies in a monotone voice.

It's not the Karina infuriated Winter, because she didn't. Sure, the woman was annoying as fuck, but she was more of a mosquito than a stubbed toe. A nuisance; like a five year old child that wouldn't hop off Winter's back for one fucking second.

Winter, however, infuriated Karina to no end. Don't ask her why, because her reasons always vary, never pinpointing exactly why the brunette puts her on edge. It's just something about her laid-back attitude that gnaws on Karina's nerves.

What's there to be calm about?Life is constantly happening, the least the woman can do is be stressed every once in a while. Karina knows she is.

Karina smirks when they arrive at Winter's classroom. "See you in Physics, loser."

"Whatever." Winter mumbles before stepping into class and breathing a sigh of relief. She honey doesn't know what she did to garner the attention of the infamous Yu Karina, but she figures the woman needs some sort of outlet from her everyday life.

Winter knows that the woman jumps from one extracurricular to another, getting in as many hours as possible so colleges know she's the real deal. But how much can she truly take?

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