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Winter doesn't understand why she's so turned on right now.

She's sitting in her school's auditorium and it's been three months since her and Karina got their heads out of their asses and started a relationship. Three months without touching the entirety of her girlfriend's beautiful skin.

It's extremely inappropriate that she's trying to hide a hard on in the middle of a debate competition. Somi's next to her and smirking like she knows and she does but Winter's just going to pretend like she doesn't.

She tries paying attention to what Karina's actually saying instead of zoning out and fantasizing about all the different ways she can make her scream. It hasn't even been that long without sex and she's already acting like all her organs are going to fail without it.

"-the point is that you can't expect the world to grow if we continue to keep each culture contained."

"How can a single culture grow if it's being spread thin to others who will only mutilate it?"

"Isn't culture a way to find individuality?" Karina responds to her opponent's question with a question of her own, and after those words leave her mouth - the way her lips curl, her eyebrows furrow, and her eyes portray just how badly she wants to kick this school's ass - Winter's a goner once again.

She shifts in her seat and smacks Somi's arm when the girl snorts.

"Shut up."

"Okay, hardy."


"You did great, honey bun."

Winter pulls her girlfriend in for a tight hug and intertwines their fingers as they walk to the car. Somi, thankfully, had to leave early, no longer being able to mock Winter's excited body.

"I hate that school. They always try to make me look like my hands are dirty with everything I say."

"You're such a drama queen."

Karina looks at her seriously. "Debate is an art."

Winter holds her hands up in mock surrender and lets Karina drive the car after she was told it helps the other woman calm down. Whatever that means.

They end up at Karina's empty house ten minutes later and Winter's blushing because she's getting the look from the other woman and really, she should've seen this coming.

Karina's kissing her, suddenly. Her teeth are nipping at her bottom lip and her chest is pressed so firmly against Winter's that the woman is ignited. There are hands on the button of her jeans and then her pants are by her ankles. She trips backwards and thankfully lands on the couch.

"Uh- aren't your parents getting home soon?"

Karina straddles her and flips all her hair to her left side and smirks so sexily at Winter that she lets her eyes get as wide as she can. She probably looks extremely foolish but she has the hottest girlfriend in the world so who the fuck cares?

"I don't know. I don't care."

Winter's about to protest, rightfully, but then Karina's grinding and kissing and - wait, what does the word parents even mean again?


A tiny voice speaks up softly from the top of the staircase and the girls on the couch freeze. They hear tiny steps descend and Karina quickly pops up after giving Winter a stern look.

"Don't give me that look! You started it."

Karina's stern look only intensifies.

Winter rolls her own eyes and quickly pulls her pants back up.

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