Chapter 5

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The sky began to shake, a loud sound coming from the sky as a glow began to appear int he sky. Something was coming, incredibly fast down on the Earth and it got bigger and bigger, the glow and the object approaching.

"What is that- what is that!" Abram says, blinded by the light. The light got closer and closer, the sound of it finally came in, piercing though the air and causing sonic booms across the air as it went down. Abram sees it for a split second, a huge pod like structure, going down faster than the speed of light onto he Earth. But it suddenly froze in place. All of its movement suddenly stops, the wind stops, "What the.." Abram says, now seeing the object floating in the air. The object was shaking, as right under it was a single figure. Abram sees the small figure, around the size of a human and it appeared to look like a tall deer with a human face. The deer concentrated at the now floating object, until the object suddenly disappears, as it teleported out of reality entirely or was erased, "What the-" Abram falls back, surprised at seeing such power, "The deer.. 2845." Abram says.

"What just happen!" Oliver says, seeing the deer now standing there.

"That thing just saved us all.. that deer." Maria says.

The deer suddenly turns around, looking right at Oliver and their trench. The deer suddenly appears right in front of them, inches from their face. Oliver falls on the ground, startled, "Where is the man named Abram." The deer speaks.

"I haven't seen anything like that before!" Oliver says.

"Awnser me, now. Or I'll destroy you."

"What do you want with him!" Oliver asks the deer, challenging it almost.

"I will turn your insides out, and I'll have every single piece of skin on your body disappear.. and let you rot out in the sun." The deer says.

"Another deity?" A woman says, the deer turns around as behind him a black pool of matter appears. LS comes out the pool, wearing a eye patch over her eye as the area around them is now covered out from the sun.

"Anafabula." The deer says.

"You seem to know quite a bit, don't you? Now just who are you?" LS asks.

Abram hides in the trench, looking for incoming gunfire, only for there to be none, "Is the enemy gone.. there's nothing!" Abram says. There were only a few other people of the Foundation left standing, the rest died out in the battle, and they were all that was left now. Abram then heard a helicopter, he turns around and sees a attack helicopter, flying above, "What the.." Abram says, surprised seeing the helicopter flying above. Suddenly the helicopter began to fire down on them, Abram quickly runs inside the bunker as the helicopter fires down at them, just barely in time. The bullets come down, tearing apart what was left of the Foundation, leaving none behind, "What the fuck was that!" Abram says, hiding behind the door. The door was closed, sealed shut, he was alone in the bunker. The dark bunker completely alone, or so he thought.

"Abram." A voice says, Abram raises his head and turns towards the direction of the voice. The sound of footsteps approaches Abram.

Abram gets ready, clenching his fist he gets ready for a fight as the footsteps approach. Abram began to suddenly feel something strange, that this person was someone from before. Was it? Abram finally speaks saying, "Whatever you are, I can take you down."

"You can't." The voice says, as out the shadows is a man wearing a black suit and tie. The man looked young, and he was smiling, "30 Years since we last met, Abram."

"No.. no fucking way.." Abram says, seeing O5-13 standing there in front of him. His blood began boiling, he clenches his fist and grinds his teeth. He could almost feel his eyesight turning red, as adrenaline began kicking in just seeing O5-13.

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