Chapter 4

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There were rallies of people fighting off both sides, as in the middle was a large base with machine guns firing out from the large trench.

"That's what they've been doing.." Abram says, seeing the three armies fight each other. One in the hill, they call themselves the Anafabulist, the Nazis in the middle, and the Christians on the side Abram was on. There was pure war in the field now, as the bodies quicky began approaching from behind. Abram walks forward as the stream of bodies comes closer and closer. Abram walks closer and closer towards the gunfire, before turning to the left and suddenly being barraged by bullets. Deadly accurate bullets fire down at him as he runs down into a trench into cover, "What was that?* Abram says to himself, looking above the trench. Suddenly multiple masked figures appear, wearing gas mask and armor that was covered in blood and dirt. They aim their guns at Abram and began to fire, before Abram rolls back into cover, "WHO ARE YOU?" Abram yells out.

"You tell yourself first, I didn't keep this army up all these years by trusting vagrants like you, especially not in a battlefield." A woman yells out.

Abram looks around the corner with his hands up, he walks out, "I'm, nobody." He says.

A woman walks up to him, the woman had a mask with red lens covering her face as she walks towards Abram, "We are the Foundation. Now tell us your name, before we rip you... Piece by piece." The woman holds a knife towards Abrams face.

"I'm surrounded than it seems. Surrounded by enemies."

"What?" The woman says. Abram suddenly thrusts his feet in the air, kicking himself off of the woman and pushing her into her guards. Abram then lands back on his feet, and goes behind cover of a wall as bullets fire at him, "STOP!" The woman yells out, getting back up, the fire stops as the woman gets back up, "Is he.. who I think it is?" She says. Abram smiles.

"That's right. I'm the guy who destroyed everything your precious O5-13 held, including the wife he stole from me and manipulated."

"Abram... Abram.. I remember that name vividly.. but yes it is you, you... You know what you've done!" The woman yells at Abram.

"I avenged."

"You killed almost all of my people. These last 25 years have been shit, no leader except for me. Almost all of our best soldiers died. Our numbers died out fast, and faster as we went down South. But, I make you a- deal." She says.

"Deal is, you take me to O5-13. And I kill you all, how's that sound?"

"We don't know where he is." Abram stops.

"You can't be serious!"

"We've looked for him. And this is the last place he was, quarantining Moscow from 610... Haven't heard a thing since." She says.

"What is the deal?" Abram says.

"Peace. Support.. we've been getting hunted down fast by this- this group! The Children of the Scarlet King, they're.. savages. They killed tons of us already. And now.. we're at this shit. And we need your help." She says. Abram turns the corner.

Abram smiles, "What's left of the Foundation comes back to me it seems. Well then.. what's your name?" Abram asks.

"You don't recognize? I'm Maria, the one you.. held hostage."

"Right. I remember a bit now. But firstly, what do you expect me to do?" Abram asks.

"Help us. We know you can, we know what you've done. All these years, taking out.. people. Armies, singlehandedly. You should handle it, one fight?" Maria says.

Someone began to walks up front of the crowd, and they reveal themselves. They were covered over by their gear and they stare at Abram, "After all these years, this is how it ends?"

SCP Foundation (Part 8): The End of the EndWhere stories live. Discover now