The cortes brothers

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The rumble of Toms engine finally came to a halt as we grabbed our bags and prepared to enter the airport. The sun was just beginning to appear, i felt it's few warm rays on my skin as we walk through the doors. Although the sun was strangely kind enough to give us some heat this morning, the one thing i wouldn't miss about Germany is it's freezing winters. Apparently November was one of the warmest months for Mexico, or so i was told by Bill for the whole ride here.

"Shit do you have your passport Eris?" Bill asks as we join the back of the queue besides Georg and Gustav- leading to the first desk. I nod, of course me and Crystal had been planning to leave the country anyway, so i'd tucked my passport away somewhere in my bag.

"You were going to leave Germany?" Tom says quickly, almost instantly. I just nod once again, I didn't really want to speak about that... It's a bit awkward right? The fact that i'm here with them- and they both know i was fully ready to flee the country and never see them again just hours ago.

I wait for the boys on the other end of security. The one perk to only having two backpacks. My eyes are glued to Tom as i sit and watch him slip his belt off for the x-ray. Almost like he could feel my eyes on him, he looks up and stares right back at me, as he places his belt on the tray.

A while had passed and we finally walk down the isle and load ourselves into the plane. I follow Tom and too my satisfaction, we head straight to the VIP section. Not only was the first time i'd ever even left the country, it was also the first time id been first class. The large seats were white cushioned. And it felt as though i could sink straight through them, as i sat down in between the twins.

"Can you not?!" I groan at the two, as they do that stupid manspread and close my legs tightly in the middle.

If i knew that the flight was 11 fucking hours, i think i would've snuck a whole litre of vodka on with me, or begged to sit away from the twins. Bill actually slept the whole flight, which i didn't know was even possible. But Tom stayed up, and kept me awake with his constant worrying, and his arguing with Gustav, who'd sat behind us, moaning that Tom had his seat too reclined.
Turns out Tom was terrified of flying, which served as one of my only entertainments, me and Georg teased him for the whole journey.

The fresh crisp air fills my lungs as we finally make it out of the airport. Our group spill into the street, as i take in the difference of Mexico. The palm trees lining the almost empty road.

"I've never even left Germany." I say, admiring the greenery, and the way the sun shone over us. I could almost smell the adventure that seamed to be waiting beneath this cities walls.

"I think you'll like it here." Tom says, trailing his suitcase down the street. Gustav and Georg start loading their bags into the back of a taxi, i wait behind them, assuming that we'd all get in there. Before Tom guides me past the two boys, mumbling "There's someone waiting for me and Bill, you should come."

We approach a matte black range rover, with some Spanish song blasting out through the windows, it's bass had already attacked my chest. I stand back, watching as Tom strolls up to the drivers window, leaning into the car and having a pretty short conversation, before he jumped in the back, gesturing for me and Bill to follow.

Inside of this car was even louder, the music drowning out my thoughts. I watched as a boy probably around Toms age turned around from the passenger seat, fist bumping Bill and smiling at him. Afterwards turning his attention onto me. My stomach curled as my eyes travelled over this mysterious boy, Neck tats, tan, brown eyes and Brown evenly cut hair, that was slightly fluffy at the top. His demeanour was full of confidence, as he met my eyes.

"¿Quien es la chica?" He shouts over the music. Staring a bit too much, i just smile back, pretending like i knew what he'd said. By Toms nudge, i understood that the stranger must've been asking me a question.

UGLY LOVE || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now