the first time i met you

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I follow along with Tom as we weave our way out of the party, he doesnt look back at me once, and i could tell by the brash way he was walking that he was mad. Even party goers moved sheepishly out of his way as he loomed over the crowd

"Why did you come here?" i shout above the music, running slighty to catch up with his long strides. Hoping that he would calm some of my nerves by at least  speaking to me, Tom was a lot scarier when i didnt know what he was thinking.

"you know he was lying Tom, I tried pushing him off" i say, as we exit the house, he was walking at such a speed that i had to grab his wrist to save me from more drunken running.

"Shut up" he grunts, brushing me off as he jumps into his car. I decide not to get in beside him just yet, hoping that he would at least listen to me now, i stand at his car window

"can you just listen to me!? you dont know the shit i just got myself in because of you!" i find myself shouting, at him, watching as he avoids my eyes, looking straight at the steering wheel angrily.

definetely not what i wanted to be doing right now

"just get in the fucking car Eris" he murmurs, his voice is so low and quite that i could only just hear it above the bustle of the party we'd left.

"just listen to me first!" i say, but as i whine at Tom, i hear another voice from the back seat of his car, a heavy Mexican accent, also drunk "can we just go!?"

I stop in my tracks, looking at Tom in confusion, and finally he seams to give a shit.

toms pov

Eris had definetely heard Maria, and i was too sober to deal with that right now. I watch as Eris looks at me straight on from the curb. Her face scrunches as she peers into my car, leaning right in from the window to look Maria dead in the eyes. They stare at eachover for a second, before Eris finally subtracts her head from the passenger window.

She stands there on the street, looking at me now with her arms crossed "Who the fuck is that?" she asks, her voice shrill and fiery.

If she wasnt as drunk as she was i'd tell her never to speak to me like that again, but being the only sober one in this tense situation i had a new found sense of patience
" eris can you just get in the car." i say, slowly and with gritted teeth, trying my best not to snap.

As angry as i was with Eris, her hurt expression as she stood there shivering had made my heart feel as though it'd dropped to my stomach.

"you fucking hypocrite" she sneers, before turning her back and walking quickly down the road. I curse under my breath, realising this wouldnt go as smoothly as i'd imagined, guess i forgot what a stubborn bitch Eris was

"Tom can we just leave her, i want to go home" Maria hiccups from behind me, i look at her through the rearveiw mirror and see the mess that Eris mustve seen as well, Maria slumped against my car seat, drunker than eris, her slutty red lipstick smudged halveway down her chin and her deep red dress, hung to her, dropping from her right shoulder.

I tut, "Maria ill take you home in a second, just shut up and go to sleep" i sigh, turning the car on and rolling it forward slowly, swiftly catching up to Eris, i lean my head over to yell "Just get in the car" I watch as she ignores me flat out. Eris was one of the only people i had patience for, but that was starting to dwindle

"just get in the car so we can all go home! !no me molestes!" Maria complains through her window. Definetly not helping. I roll the car forwards still, watching as Eris stops in her tracks to walk up to the car. I park up, halve expecting her to jump in.

But from her irritable expression, and flushed red cheeks, it was obvious that Eris wasnt getting in. She treads towards Marias side, tapping on the window in a gesture for Maria to wind down her window "ignore her Maria, shes drunk" i growl, starting to get annoyed. And of course Maria doesnt listen, she rolls down the window and i turn my head to see the two girls looking face to face

"who are you?" Eris asks, furrowing her brow in a confrontational way.

"who are you? all Tom told me is he had to pick you up because ... well- i dont know you must be incompetent or something" Maria answers, her speach slurred

"incompetent?! you bitch, Tom is this really the kind of girl you like to fuck?!!" Eris shouts, turning her drunken mindless rambling onto me. "well you have fun with that, now maybe i can get some peace of mind!" Eris shrieks at me, her small stature hugging itself to stop its trembling, if not from the icy night air, then from the surge of anger she seamed to be experiencing. She was clearly working herself up.

"Im not doing this with you Eris, just get in the fucking car or will i have to make you?"

She chuckles, throwing me off slightly. scoffing and looking at me rather sardonically, her laughter definetely not matching with the situation in hand. "Your going to chuck me in your car again?! oh?! like when you did the first time we met!? i remember now.. what a coincidence, the first time i met you was when everything began going downhill!!"

I tried not to take anything Eris was shouting at me to heart, given how obviously drunk she was. But it was impossible not to think that maybe there was truth to what she was shouting. Id just realised that with trying so hard to get Eris in the car, id completely forgotten how pissed i still was at her for earlier when she practically looked ready to fuck rico.

Eris's pov

i gulp, taking a breath after shouting mindlessly at Tom, i didnt even know why i was angry, and could hardly remember what i'd just said. But from Toms face i could tell he'd had enough. I watch as he swings his car door open and steps towards me, shit one thing i always seamed to forget about Tom is how quickly he was to act, and how he never bluffed, if he says something he most likely means it.

UGLY LOVE || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now