The streets talk

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We'd driven back to the hotel in silence, i left the car first, walking a couple metres ahead of him. I couldn't even think about what had just happened. And the worst part was how much i actually enjoyed it. I reach the hotel room, realising that i now have to stupidly stand there in the corridor and wait for him to let me in, into the room that we both share.

He came  strolling down, smirking at me all nonchalantly, all i could do was cross my arms and watch as he let me into the room. I walked over, dropping into the bed as i watched Tom throw his tshirt off into the corner of the room. He then rummaged in his suitcase, pulling out a fresh white jumper and throwing it on, his chest flexing whilst. He must've caught me looking, as he turned and said

"You like?" Before chuckling to himself and leaving back into the hallway for a moment. I just scoffed, loud enough for him to hear.

A couple minutes later, i hadn't even questioned where he was going because i could hear distant voices of him and the boys in the corridor, there words echoed through the walls.

He finally swung his head back through the doorway, whistling to me with that confident smile he'd had plastered to his face ever since the car.

"We're going to a party. Your too tired to come."He says, which doesn't really make sense in my head.. was he telling me not to come? Asking me?

"am i?" I groan rubbing my forehead

"Well.. you must be after- Anyway can trust you here alone?" Tom asks

"I made sure that you won't be needing any other boy tonight." He winks as i realise what he meant.

"Who knows? Maybe i want something better." I say coldly, throwing myself out of the bed and walking right up to Tom.

"Don't come back here and wake me up later." I mutter before shutting the door in his face, i wait behind it, listening as his and the boys footsteps grow quieter and quieter down the hallway.

He actually just did that to me and fucked off to a party? I wonder if he meant what he said.. If he only did it so i wouldn't need another boy? But i don't think we would care that much- it's not like were some committed couple.

I drop back into the sheets, holding the covers as my mind relays what had happened, his every movement as his intention behind it.

I change into some pyjamas, that woman, whoever it was who did my shopping clearly valued style over comfort, because i hardly found any actual clothes to sleep in, only some skimpy
lingerie. Luckily she'd bought quite a few t-shirts which were too big for me, so i just used them.

I doze off. Something was keeping me from falling properly to sleep, maybe the anticipation of Tom coming back, I knew that he'd probably be loud and wake me up anyway. Or maybe he wouldn't even come back tonight. Maybe he would find some girl and.. As much as i didn't want too i couldn't bring myself to picture it, or even ponder the idea. I don't know why, i knew it would be stupid to actually fall for Tom. The most we would ever be is friends with benifits.. right? God, i don't even sound the slightest bit convinced by myself.

It was around 12pm, i was still up, just scrolling on my phone tucked into the blanket. When the door swung open, letting the orange light from the hallway spew into my room, bringing my head swiftly to see Tom.

Or, to my surprise not Tom, but Rico. His long neck entered the room first, as i watched his eyes search the room.

"Rico?" I ask, my voice low and quite.

"Quien?- Shit Eris! Hi, I thought you were some bitch." He chuckles flicking the light on and stepping into the room.

"Thanks?" I say groggily, wincing as my eyes adjust to the light.

"Where's Tom?" He asks, bobbing in and out of the bathroom, seemingly desperate to see him.

"Gone to some club i think."

"Without you?" He laughs teasing me, As he walks over and perches himself at the foot of the bed, looking at me.

"Yea, i guess." I say looking down at my phone and waiting for Rico to just take the hint and go, but

"Um.. is there something that you want me to tell Tom, or..?" I mumble, watching as Ricos smile fades slightly, as he gets the tone of my voice

"Nah, i'll tell him later. But i was gonna ask you.. do you want to come to a party tomorrow? It's not that big, sniper territory- they'll like you."

my heart flutters as he asks me, my mind races with the thought of a party full of snipers, id not been to one in a very long time, but the butterflies in my stomach soon descend to a rather sinking feeling,

"I don't know anybody here, i- Thanks Rico but no."

"That's the point Nena! Your really gonna stay here every night while Tom leaves you to go socialise? I can introduce you to the locals." He smiles once again, gleaming his white teeth, his big lips.

I think for a while, slightly swayed by the idea of showing Tom that i could have just as good a social life as him.

"Don't tell him, just call me tomorrow if you want, and i'll pick you up, Trigger." He says taking my hand. The way Rico was speaking now was different from his usual happy, funny persona, he seamed serious. Almost sure of himself that i would come. I slip my hand from his, shuffling back in the bed and watch him rise to his feet.

I was too indulged in the touching that i didn't really comprehend what Rico had called me, until he was by the door.

"Who told you the name Trigger?!" I shout to him as he grabs the door handle.

Without looking back to me, he just shakes his head laughing.

"They'll be at that party, The streets talk. German girl." He chuckles before closing the door. Leaving the room as dark as it was before

UGLY LOVE || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now