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Chapter Twenty-Two:

Y'all been pushin' "Satan this" and "Satan that"My fans is yellin', "Least she rich," you need that pactLookin' like I got some things you hate I haveAnd trust me, baby, God don't play with hate like that

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Y'all been pushin' "Satan this" and "Satan that"
My fans is yellin', "Least she rich," you need that pact
Lookin' like I got some things you hate I have
And trust me, baby, God don't play with hate like that


Fixing Kamille's small birthday crown on her head, I adjusted her pink tutu next. She continued gnawing on the glazed doughnut we picked up from the store on the way back from the kids' museum, mumbling gibberish to me.

"Sid, you with Von?" Kiyomi questioned into her phone, helping me out by lacing the baby's pink Converse sneakers. "Tell him Kitty said if he send another pizza to her house she gon' whoop his ass and call his probation officer." Kiyomi quoted me directly while running her fingers through her black bob.


I kissed my teeth at another one of Kamille's sneezes.

"He said fuck you and his P.O."

"Hang up and leave them niggas where they dumb at." I ordered lowly, putting the baby back on my hip and off of the kitchen counter.

"They coming he—"

"No the fuck they not, we finna go." I cut her off, about to grab my purse before the doorbell sounded. "I swear to.... if it's another fucking pizza." I mumbled to myself, heading over anyways. I opened the door up, getting met with my aunt and uncle with two pizza boxes in their hands.

"Hey y'all! Kitty you ordered a pizza? It was on the doorstep." My aunt held one of the boxes out, making me sigh heavily before taking a glance back at Kiyomi. She was right behind me, already scooting the other nine boxes of pizza into the closest corner to make room.

"Hell y'all doing? Feeding a orphanage?" My uncle questioned with a frown once he caught sight, stacking the pizzas on top of the others. "Well looky-here! We got the birthday girl!" He wasted no time grabbing Kamille. "What'chu eating? Unc' can't have none?"

"Y'all doing okay?" Aunt Dee asked, putting her hands on her hips once she shut the door behind her and Uncle Ray.

"Mhm" I hummed dismissively, opening the pizza that sat on top of the others. A bunch of random ass toppings sat on the tomato pizza dough.

Mind you, this is a grown ass man doing this.

I stood there for almost a whole minute trying to think of somewhere I could drop all the pizzas off, not even being able to acknowledge the mini-family reunion in my living room.

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