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I'm sorry y'all me and Skilla Baby just had our baby girl so I been on maternity leave 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️. YALL MISSED ME??

Chapter Twenty-Four:

And you let me be, a womanAnd you let me be, a flawed womanYou would yearn to hear all about my pastWhat I've done, what I've did and whyHear all my sick thoughts

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And you let me be, a woman
And you let me be, a flawed woman
You would yearn to hear all about my past
What I've done, what I've did and why
Hear all my sick thoughts


"What happened honey?" The house-mother of the club questioned with a slight frown, searching through her wardrobe for an outfit that was my size and would match my red heels.

Fixing my sweatpants on my waist, I wiped my wet eyes. "Some man kept begging me to come to his section, tried to yank me over and my whole bottom piece ripped." I informed the short, Latina lady— getting a slow nod.

"You alright? Nobody touched you or anything?" I heard from the now open door of the powder room, looking at the three girls coming in.

"Want me to go find those girls you be with?" The shortest girl spoke, busy untangling her pink hair from the sequins of her one-piece outfit. "That tall one don't play." She mentioned Lesley.

"They not here tonight." I mumbled lowly before grabbing a new bottom piece from the house mom.

The one day where Lesley was hungover and Summer's baby daddy isn't feeling good is the day a nigga decides to pants me. My luck is horrible.

"Mm, I'm Meek" The girl hummed lowly, relighting the blunt in her hand before taking a pull. She handed it off to their other friend, who had been quiet up until that point.

"Where Boo at? I'm hungry as hell." She questioned while rubbing her dark brown lower stomach as they made their way to the back door. "C-section scar hurting and shit."

"You wanna come smoke with us?" The short girl asked me, the pink bands on her braces showing when it was her turn to get the blunt.

It didn't take me long to contemplate, being that I was already coming down from an edible I took before work. My high was basically blown after the outfit fiasco. "Sure"

Listen if I get laced again I just gotta take that L and use this pepper spray.

I pulled my phone out from my pocket, grabbing my hoodie on my way to the door. Trying to catch up with the three whilst putting it on.

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